Obligatorisk tofaktorautentisering i Mattermost

UiO byter autentiseringsl?ysing for Mattermost helga 10. - 11. august, og innf?rer d? obligatorisk tofaktorautentisering. I samband med dette vil alle bli logga ut av Mattermost og m? logge inn p? ny.

Etter omlegginga m? tilsette og studentar klikke p? knappen For users with UiO account og logge seg inn med innloggingstenesta Weblogin. For meir informasjon, sj? brukarrettleiinga for p?logging til Mattermost med Weblogin.

Gjestebrukarar i Mattermost skal etter omlegginga bruke brukarnamn og passord-felta p? Mattermost si p?loggingsside, og blir s? bedne om ? sette opp tofaktorautentisering med Mattermost sin eigen innebygde tofaktor-l?ysing.

Om du treng hjelp, kontaktar du IT-hjelp.


UiO is changing the authentication solution for Mattermost on the weekend of August 10th - 11th, and will then implement mandatory two-factor authentication. In connection with this, everyone will be logged out of Mattermost and must log in again.

After the update, employees and students must click the button For users with UiO account and log in using the Weblogin authentication service. For more information, see the user guide for logging into Mattermost with Weblogin.

Guest users in Mattermost will, after the update, use the username and password fields on the Mattermost login page and then be prompted to set up two-factor authentication with Mattermost's own built-in two-factor solution.

If you need help, you are asked to contact IT support.

Publisert 6. aug. 2024 10:08 - Sist endret 7. aug. 2024 12:50