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Guidance for those who want to apply for promotion to Senior Lecturer or Docent at the faculty of Humanities, UiO

1. Before you apply

Check whether you fulfill all requirements accordingly Regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts - Lovdata § 1-3 (Docent) and § 1-5 (Senior lecturer)


  • Basic university pedagogical competence must be met at the time of application. 
  • The faculty offers group coaching for lecturers who wish to apply for promotion. Interest can be expressed to The measure has received good feedback.
  • A new regulation has been proposed on teaching and research positions and recruitment positions with a consultation deadline of 19. April. The regulation will take effect from 1. August 2024 (promotion from 1. january 2025) at the same time as the new UH- Act.Forslag til forskrift om undervisnings- og forskningsstillinger og rekrutteringsstillinger (2).pdf Among other things, it is proposed to introduce a requiremetn to master norwegian at B2 level before you can apply for promotion, and the qualifications will be the same as for employment. a majority descision is sufficient to be qualified.

Familiarize yourself with the regulations:

2. Who can apply?

  • If you are a permanently employed university lecturer/senior lecturer with half a position or more, you can apply for promotion, even when you are on leave.
  • You must apply for promotion in the field in which you are employed 

3. Application deadline

  •  Applications are received on a rolling basis, and if you are promoted, it will take effect from the time of application.

4. How do you apply?

  • Send  application and attachments (in pdf format) to
  • We recommend sending your application via Filsender, which is a safe way to send large attachments.


  • Profiling document
  • CV
  • Complete list of publications or other documentable activities (preferably annotated)
  • Necessary documentation of extensive research and development work aimed at the professional field. May also have digital form where appropriate.
  • Necessary documentation of extensive educational development work and other educational activities (e.g. in the form of an educational folder)
  • Any declaration of competence from before
  • Course certificate of pedagogical basic competence
  • Any other attachments

5. What happen next?

  • The faculty appoints an assessment committee within the relevant subject area. The application should be finally decided within one year. You will receive information about who sits on the committee and their deadline. Normally, the committee has a 3-month deadline for submitting a statement of competence. When you are sent the declaration of competene, you are given a 14-day notice period for this.
  • The dean decides whether the declaration of competence should be approved and whether promotion can ble recommended, and submits a promotion (or the opposite) to the faculty?s appointment committee (TUV), which makes a decision.
  • If promotion is approved, the immediate manager will contact you for a salary interview. Proposals for new salary placements are sent to the organisations, which have 10 days to demand negotiation. When the new salary is set, you will receive a reply letter about the promotion. Salary advances are made at the next possible salary run, and you will be paid in arrears from the time of application. The new title is not visible on UiO?s personnel pages until this salary cycle, but you can use the new title when a decision on promotion has been made by TUV.
  • If TUV decides that you will not be promoted, you will receive a reply to your application to this effect. you can apply for promotion again after 2 years since the last time you applied.

6. Pedagogical portfolio - documenttion of educational competence 

You must document your educational competence through a pedagogical portfolio, which will provide a comprehensive and systematic overview of your university pedagogical competence.

The folder must highlight and document (SoLT Criteria):

  1. Focus on the students? learning                
  2. Clear development over time
  3. Research approach
  4. Collegial attitude and practice.

See also:

7. Frequently asked questions

Do you have any tips for me when I have to write an application for promotion?

It may be a goog idea to read other people?s applications for promotion, as well as the assessments.

Try to help the committee understand that you fulfill the conditions for promotion by structuring the application as the committee would to when making its assessment (see template for the committees)

Submit the application as organized as possible. Attach a table of contents of all works submitted so that the committee can sheck that everything has been received.

Show that your research has at least two subject areas, and that it is not just an extension of your doctorate.

Tell your head of the department that you want to apply for promotion to professor. The manager can then prepare for which members may be asked, as well as have the opportunity to facilitate/assist you in the prosess.

Can I submit physical works or must everything be digital?

The works are preferably submitted digitally, but if they are only available in physical format, these are also accepted. If you wish to submit any physical works, it must be submitted in triplicate.

Do I have to submit documentation of my contribution of co-published works?

It is the applicant?s responsibility to document their contribution on an article. It may therefore e a good idea to attach a statement from the other authors stating what your contribution consists of. If no documentation is attached, the rule is that you divide the contribution by the number of authors.

How do I upload the application in Filesender?

To have large attachments sent by email to, you can use Filesender. It is only possible to send individual files in Filsender and not entire folders. What you can do, to avoid uploading file by file, is to mark all the files in the folder you have created in connection with the application and "drag" them over from the folder to the top field in in Filesender

We recommend that the documents in the folder are structured based on a numbering system which then often refers to your division -e.g. 1.1-document title, 1.2 -title, etc. 2.1-title, 2.2- title etc. A number system contributes to an overview that makes it easier to see that all the documents accompanying the case are included. In addition, it will ease the work for the person who registers and uploads the application, and for the assessment committee.

Published Jan. 17, 2024 8:23 AM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2024 2:01 PM