Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) has pre-announced a call to strengthen primary and community health and care systems. Deadline for pre-proposals is 30 January 2025.
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The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation has announced funding for Innovations for Exceptionally Low-Cost Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Manufacturing. Deadline: 31 January 2025.
The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) has pre-announced a call on Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine (PGxPM2025). Deadline for pre-proposals: 18 February 2025.
Our first Learning environment survey aims to take the pulse of student life at MED. It will inform us about the quality of the learning environment and is an important part of our efforts to improve the daily study experience at MED.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about several visits from, among others, Estonia and Ukraine, and about a meeting with the Minister of Health. There is a lot going on: the Learning Environment Survey, the review of the PhD programme, and the development of the Skills Centre in new premises. MED is also inviting everyone to an important meeting about the rebuilding of health services in Gaza.
Faculty Board Election. Learning Environment Survey. Proposal for new PhD regulations will be subject to consultation in December. 24 million NOK to the University of Oslo from the Cancer Society. UiO Campus South wins an education award from Health South-East. Honorary Doctorate to Espen Bjertness. Haakon Meyer, honorary member of the Norwegian Epidemiological Association. Rebuilding of Health Services in Gaza.
The European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems has announced its first call. Deadline for pre-proposals: 15 January 2025.
Even though thin melanoma is increasing the most, the number of cases of thicker melanoma is also steadily on the rise, shows a large study of melanoma incidence in Norway since the 1980s. The thickness of the tumour is an important factor for the prognosis at the time of diagnosis.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about grand award ceremonies, openings of new buildings, visits from Ukraine, the event with Gaza students, and elections at the University of Oslo.
Dean of Research Jan Bjaalie provides information about the process surrounding the new call for applications. The deadline to submit your application initiative to the faculty is 2 December.
First Female Professor in Medicine Appointed as Knight. Blix Prize Award Ceremony. The Dean Runs for Rector Election. FRIPRO Funds Awarded to Dennis van der Meer. Our Photographer ?sne Ramb?l Hillestad Won British Photography Award. Johanne Jacobsen Receives Scandinavian Immunology Award.
DAM Foundation supports research that contributes to improving physical and mental health, quality of life, and social engagement. Deadline for concept note: 15 February 2025.
UiO:Life Science has announced the fourth call for convergence environments. Deadline: 20 March 2025.
The number of cases of meningitis and blood poisoning is decreasing, and this is clearly due to the inclusion, since 2006, of pneumococcal disease into the child immunisation programme.
The European Innovation Council (EIC) has a Pathfinder challenge topic on Generative AI for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Deadline: 29 October 2025.
EIC Pathfinder Open supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. The programme welcomes projects in any field of science, technology or application. Deadline: 21 May 2025.
Nordplus Higher Education is a mobility and networking program for institutional collaboration at the bachelor and master levels. Application deadline: 3 February 2025.
Professor Haakon Meyer from the Department of Community Medicine and Global Health was awarded Honorary Membership in the Norwegian Epidemiological Association (NOFE).
Guest Post: On 18th September, the University Board decided to establish the UiO’s new Centre for Global Sustainability. Through its employees, SUSTAINIT will become part of this new centre, which will start up before summer 2025, writes Head of Unit Eivind Engebretsen.
A new economic reality. FRIPRO - new opportunities. SUSTAINIT - becomes part of a new Center for Sustainability at UiO. 15 million to Joel Glover. Life mastery for medical students. Blix Prize ceremony. Faculty Board elections. Jahre lectures and awards. General meeting for everyone in the Life Science Building. Prepare for the new email system!
Before the transition to the new email system, there are a few things we need to do to prepare. Here’s an overview!
Research Dean Jan Bj?lie informs that UiO:Life Science has introduced a new and attractive incentive scheme to help you with your FRIPRO application. Since the Research Council began accepting applications on a rolling basis, MED has only received one allocation.
What does a new economic reality mean for the Faculty of Medicine? How does it affect us, and how shall we at the faculty work to ensure a sustainable economy?
The Research Council of Norway has announced the sixth round of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence. The Faculty of Medicine (MED) and UiO will provide application support to the research environments. The deadline for applicants at MED to register application initiatives is 2 December 2024.
Era4Health has pre-announced a call for transnational research projects with randomised, interventional and pragmatic comparative-effectiveness multi-country investigator-initiated clinical studies. Deadline for pre-proposals: 28 January 2025.