Editorial: Summer greetings with vision and strategic objectives
The office of the Dean wishes everyone a good summer and describes the ongoing work on the faculty's strategy and annual plan for 2024-2026.
The Office of the Dean also encourages those of you who teach to consider applying to become a distinguished educatopr at UiO.
The management column
MED in the Life Science Building
The Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation provides us with an update on the status of the Life Science Building from MED's perspective.
We are now seeing the building take form and it is exciting to be part of the planning of the building in the final phase.
Read the full article by Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation Jan Bj?lie
Innovation: Helps the faculty's researchers and students with development of ideas in the early phase
Guest article: The internal innovation unit the UiO Growth House will contribute to a stronger innovation culture at the University of Oslo to put more knowledge from research to use, says innovation director and professor Hilde I. Nebb.
Read the full article by Director of Innovation Hilde I. Nebb
The Centre for Pandemic and One-Health Research is up and running
Guest post: Acting Head of the Centre for Pandemic and One-Health Research (P1H), Jens Petter Berg, writes about the intentions behind the establishment of the centre, which was officially opened on 30 May.
Read the full article and see the photos from the opening of the centre from Jens Petter Berg
Blind evaluation in EU calls for proposals
In 2023-2024, the EU is conducting a pilot programme for the blind evaluation of applications to Horizon Europe. Applicants themselves are responsible for anonymising their applications to Horizon Europe.
The pilot programme for blind evaluation of applications to Horizon Europe applies to step one of all two-step calls for proposals, including health clusters, with a deadline of 19 September.
Read more and feel free to contact the External Research Funding Unit (EEF) if you require support.
Michael Bretthauer awarded prestigious European research prize
Professor and gastroenterologist Michael Bretthauer from the Clinical Research Centre at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital was awarded the "UEG Research Prize 2023".
Read the full article on the Institute of Health and Society’s (Helsam) website.
Jan Terje Andersen named Innovator of the Year at Inven2
Andersen received the award for his enormous commitment to innovation, for his many research-based inventions and for founding the company Authera.
Read the full article on the Institute of Clinical Medicine’s (Klinmed) website (in Norwegian).
Calls for proposals for innovation funds for researchers
Have you identified a need or do you have a research result that would be valuable to society? Then you can apply for innovation funds to further develop your ideas. The application deadline is 23 August.
Read the full article.
Information for employees
OUS Researcher Awards 2023: OUS Researcher Awards 2023: This year's main prize went to Professor Bente Halvorsen. She is an authority in the field of atherosclerosis research. Among other things, Halvorsen has developed the Research Institute of Internal Medicine at the Institute of Clinical Medicine (Klinmed) and Oslo University Hospital into a world leading translational research institute with extensive collaborations and unique biobanks and has been very effective in promoting the careers for young researchers.
The 2023 Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research. The 2023 Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research went to Professor Maiken Nedergaard from the University of Copenhagen. Assistant Professor Marcus Buggert from the Karolinska Institute received the Anders Jahre Award for young researchers. The 2023 awards will be presented on 9 November. Make time for the Jahre lectures. Read more about the award winners.
The Rector’s blog: Become a distinguished educator at UiO! by Bjorn Stensaker. You can now apply to become a distinguished educator at UiO and contribute to enhancing our educational quality. The scheme had thus far been a pilot programme, but has now been made permanent.
Oslo Pride. Knowledge is the best way to combat prejudice and oppression. UiO is celebrating Pride by highlighting some of our exciting research in the LGBT field. Follow the Pride webpage for information about UiO’s participation in the parade and other activities.
UiO and OsloMet will gather before the Pride parade 2023The University of Oslo and OsloMet invite all students and employees to celebrate diversity, inclusion and love by joining us in this year's Pride parade, under the banner “Fearless knowledge”.
UiO: Board election 2023. New representatives have been elected.
Uniforum: Isabel Viola Kreis elected to UiO's board (in Norwegian)
Ny utdanningsmulighet innen klima, milj? og b?rekraft for alle studenter. Fra h?sten 2023 kan studenter ved UiO ta det nye B?rekraftsertifikatet, et bachelortillegg p? 20 studiepoeng ?pent for alle.
Domus Medica closing during weeks 29 and 30. The old part of Domus Medica will be completely closed during weeks 29 and 30 this summer.
Excavation work will block the walkways to Domus Medica. The Norwegian Hospital Construction Agency has begun preparatory work for the construction of a new national hospital. Stay tuned for updates on the work and implications for Domus Medica.
UiO: Bringing bicycles or scooters indoors is not permitted. Bicycles and scooters brought indoors will be removed. They hinder accessibility and cleanliness and can create dangerous situations during an evacuation.
Uniforum: UiO's research magazine, Apollon wins Fagpressen’s front page award for 2023 in Norwegian).
Management meetings
Management forum: Overview of the spring meeting dates. The next meeting, and the last one before summer, is 27 June. The deadline for submitting items for the agenda is 22 June.
Overview of Faculty Board meetings link in Norwegian. You can find the agenda and minutes here. Next meeting: 7 September.
University Board meetings in 2023. These meetings are live streamed and are open to anyone who would like to watch. The next meeting is on 20 June.
See all important deadlines for research funding applications in Funding opportunities
Award announcements: Keep track of deadlines using the annual cycle for award announcements.
Calls for proposals for UiO’s innovation funds for researchers
Are you a researcher with an innovative idea for a new product, service, solution or technology based on your research, but require funding to further develop the idea? Check UiO’s calls for proposals for innovation funds.
Closing date for applications: 31 August. -
Distinguished Educator Scheme. The Distinguished Educator Scheme is an institutional initiative aimed at promoting the quality of education at the University of Oslo. The application deadline for 2023 is 1 September
Courses and events
See the UiO's calender for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT and Courses at Library of Medicine and Science.
Updated overview: Upcoming Disputations.
- Some of the fall courses in the Postdoctoral Programme are already open for registration, and more will soon be announced on their webpages.
- 15. juni UiOs sommeraktivitetsdag. Husk ? melde deg p?!
- 20. juni: "Hvordan kan vi alle integrere b?rekraft og globale perspektiver i
forskning og utdanning?"
Fakultetsledelsen inviterer alle ansatte til seminar i Domus Medica, Runde auditorium fra kl. 12-16. Tidligere rektor Ole Petter Ottersen vil innlede med ?Fra global helse til global omstilling for helse?, hvoretter representanter fra mange av v?re enheter vil svare p? hvordan de integrerer disse perspektivene sin forskning og undervisning. - 21. juni Official launch of the Precision Immunotherapy Alliance (SFF PRIMA)
- 1. juli Pride-paraden 2023 UiO og OsloMet inviterer alle studenter og ansatte til ? feire mangfold, inkludering og kj?rlighet ved ? bli med oss i ?rets Pride-parade, hvor vi g?r under parolen ?Fryktl?s kunnskap?.
- 14. september inviterer MED-fakultetet til et stort fagm?te i Universitetets aula for ? dele kunnskap om situasjonen de rammede st?r i og om gode tiltak i Norge og Ukraina. Velkommen til "Fokus p? Ukraina"!
27. September
UiOs innovasjonskonferanse for 2023.
Konferansen blir en del av Oslo Innovation Week (OIW). Meld deg p? allerede n?.
Sted: Oslo Science Park
Research news
You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.
Medisinbloggen: Ditt beste klimatiltak: kast mindre mat av Hanne Str?m Halvorsen.
Mange av oss tenker at fossilt brensel som kull, olje og gass er milj?verstingene. Men visste du at matproduksjon og matsvinn p?virker klimaet enda mer? Og at det er forbrukere som deg og meg, som kaster aller mest?
Helsam: Systematisk p?r?rende亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 er viktig i behandling av pasienter med psykoselidelser av Mathilde Coraline Aarvold Bakke.
Forskere ved Senter for medisinsk etikk har unders?kt betydningen av systematisk p?r?rende亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 for pasienter med psykoselidelser.
Klinmed Nytt Gemini-senter etablert for ? styrke forskning p? inflammatorisk tarmsykdom av Julie Nybakk Kvaal.
Klinmedmilj? skal bidra til ? utvikle presisjonsmedisin p? inflammatorisk tarmsykdom, ved ? samle forskningskompetansen i et Gemini-senter.
Helsam St?tte til UiO-koordinert forskningsprosjekt om forskningsetikk og kliniske fors?k i Afrika
Tilgang Afrika 2 vil bli koordinert fra Senter for medisinsk etikk ved UiO, og f?r 600.000 euro i st?tte fra Horisont Europa. Professor Rosemarie de La Cruz Bernabe er prosjektleder fra UiO.
MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Individual MED-nytt subscribers can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by unsubscribing here. If you want to subscribe to MED-nytt, you can subscribe here. Also follow news from the Faculty of Medicine on facebook, twitter, linkedin and instagram.