Norwegian version of this page

Access and security

The Security Operation Centre's emergency number: 22 85 66 66. Please use the duty phone number in non-emergencies: 22 85 50 07

Serious damages

  • The Estate Department performs damage limitations at all hours.
  • Response time: 15 minutes.

Serious damages include:

  • People stuck in lifts
  • Damaged entrance doors and broken windows
  • Sections falling from the building surfaces
  • Water leakages or flooded buildings
  • Major power outages
  • Critical infrastucture errors


With an access card, students and employees can enter buildings outside of regular opening hours.

Opening hours

The University buildings have individual opening hours. Find all opening hours and when you can access the buildings by using your ID card and PIN code.


Burglary and thefts

Any burglary that causes damage to buildings or theft of university property must be immediately reported to the police and the Security Operations Center.

Report damages, defects and needs

You can also report other needs related to cleaning, outdoor space, waste, internal relocation, courier services or other operational work.

Information from the Estate Department