Register information about a core

Set necessary information about your core

Where can you edit core information and settings? 

Core admin has access to the editing page for the core she is responsible for.

  1. Click on ADMIN PANEL located at the bottom of the navigation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Click on CORES in the navigation menu and then on Cores in the submenu.
  3. Select the core you want to edit from the list, or search for your core in the search field.

Cost Center and Subproject Number

The core must have a cost center that receives the funds for rental and service offerings to users.

  1. Click on the Billing Account tab on the core's editing page. Screenshot of BookitLab UiO, editing page for a core, on the 'billing account' tab, marked with a red box around the 'project code' field and 'cost center' field.
  2. Enter the subproject number in the PROJECT CODE field and the cost center in the COST CENTER field.

Set core admin contact information

Contact information for the core admin must be set on a web page that is open to everyone, so that external users without a UiO Feide account can get in touch.

  1. Click on the Landing Page Details tab on the core's editing page. Screenshot of the 'Landing Page Details' tab. Two 'CORE STAFF' fields are marked with green boxes and the 'OPEN TO PUBLIC' field is marked with a red box.
  2. Enter the core admin's contact information in one of the two CORE STAFF fields.
    • There are two CORE STAFF fields. It is up to each core which field to use.
      • Plain text field
      • Field with multiple formatting options, including the ability to add text links or images.
    • If the rental place/lab has its own workflow, the contact information for those responsible for further communication between the core admin and the relevant parties should be provided.
  3. Set "Yes" in the OPEN TO PUBLIC field.
    • To have the core's information page open to everyone, at least one instrument or service must also be set to "Yes" in the OPEN TO PUBLIC field. This field is found on the Assets tab on the instrument's editing page.


Published Aug. 24, 2024 9:05 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2024 9:05 AM