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Get started with bookings

After a "core" is set up for your lab, facilities or similar, and you are assigned "core admin" role in BookitLab, please register the instruments and services so that they are ready to be booked/ordered by end users

Set up your core, instruments and/or services

To get your core ready to be used in BookitLab, follow the steps below.

  1. Set the necessary information about your core
  2. Registrer instruments and / or services.
  3. Set up "price sheet"
  4. Set "instrument price category" for each; 
  5. For instruments, the followings should also be done:

If several instruments are at the same price to rent / use, it would be more efficient to reverse the order; first define / set up ?Instrument price category? (step 3), then ?Price sheet? (step 2), and finally instruments and / or services (step 1).

To make "core" and its instruments/services accessible to only approved users 

It is recommended to make the core and its instruments and services visible to all BookitLab users. However, it is possible to limit the access to your core by doing the followings. It could be useful if the core is still under set up phase.

  1. Set up so that users can send an access request to the core""
    1. On Service Group Settings tab of editing page of the core, turn on Expose services and instruments in this group ... toggle.
    2. Then you will see Allowed Org Units/Universities tab appearing. If you already know who to be listed, you can add them manually here.
    3. At Email registration request to field, write your email address to receive requests for access to your core. 
  2. Users send a request.
  3. Core admin approves or rejects the request.
    1. Go to Allowed Org Units/Universities tab of the cores editing page.
    2. Click Edit button and approve/decline users that are under Pending status.

If you do not take the step 1.3 (in other words, if the Allow users to request registration to the core toggle is not turned on), the core is totally hidden from;

  • Core selection page where users can choose one or more cores. 
  • Public View (overview of available instruments and services that could be booked or ordered via BookitLab UiO without log in), despite OPEN TO PUBLIC-field is set to "yes" on the core's Landing Page Details tab.
Published Aug. 26, 2024 9:10 AM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2024 9:10 AM