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When core admin is assigned as Project Coordinator

For projects that are not registered in Unit4, core admin will be assigned as Project Coordinator. What do you need to do and how?

When does the Core Admin become the Project Coordinator on a Project?

Projects that exist in Unit4 must be managed by their project or departmental economists and BDM. The core admin is responsible for projects used by external customers outside UiO (pure sales) and so-called “dummy” projects. Dummy projects have zero budget and are not to be invoiced but are used, for example, by lab staff to purchase subscriptions free of charge.

When you are assigned as the Project Coordinator on a project, you can edit the project even if you do not have the Project Admin role. Since only a Project Admin can create projects, they must create a project first. Then, they would set the core admin as the Project Coordinator so that necessary settings and information can be managed by the core admin after creation.

Where can I find the project I am a Project Coordinator on?

  1. Click on BILLING in the navigation menu and then Projects in the submenu.
  2. Search for the project by setting the filter Project coordinator (prosjekt?konom) Is [Your User]. Remove the filter Active: Yes so that you can also find projects in draft status.
  3. Click on the ID of the project you want to edit. This opens the Edit Project page in a new tab. (If you click on the project name, it opens in the same tab in your browser).

What Should I Do on the Edit Project Page?

This depends on the type of project. Read the guides on the links below.


Published Aug. 26, 2024 9:23 AM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2024 9:23 AM