Email and calendar are part of Microsoft 365 and you can use your webmail in your preferred browser. Login starts with this page:
Here you enter your and click Next. It takes you to the website, where you enter your UiO password. Then click Sign in.
Confirm the login with two-factor authentication:
Confirm that you want to stay signed in.
You are now logged in and can use webmail. If you wish, you can change the language for webmail.
Simple overview of webmail
When you have logged in, webmail opens by default in E-mail.
Outlook is just one of many apps/services in Microsoft 365. To switch to one of the other apps, click the application menu in the top left.
To switch between Mail, Calendar, People, Groups and To do, click their buttons in the left column.
More about the Mail window
- In the left column, all your e-mail folders are displayed. The most important are Inbox and Sent items.
- In the middle column, all mails in the selected folder are displayed in the left column.
- In the column on the right, the selected mail's content is displayed. Here you also have buttons to reply to the email or forward it.
- Clicking the New Email button opens a new email, or you can click the menu button to select new Event, Group, Storyboard Post, Document, Spreadsheet, or Presentation.
- Centered at the top, you will find a search field where you can search for mails or people.
More about the calendar window
- In the left column, you will primarily find a calendar that shows today's day and which time period is displayed in the main part of the calendar window. A working week is shown on the screenshot.
- In the main part of the calendar window, all your calendar entries are displayed. By clicking on such an entry, you get more information about the event in question.
- In the main part of the calendar window, you can choose whether the display should be Day, Working week, Week or Month. You also have the option of clicking Today to quickly view today's calendar entries.
- The New event button creates a new calendar event or you can click the menu button to select new Mail, Group, Storyboard Post, Document, Spreadsheet, or Presentation.
- In the search field, you can search for a relevant event.
- Under Other calendars (People's calendars), you can add colleagues you often work with (or shared/group calendars), so that you can access their calendars more quickly.
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Opening hours are weekdays from 08:30 to 17:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to 15:00.
Phone number: 22 84 00 04
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Students and employees can book a Zoom meeting with UiO Helpdesk. Available hours are Tuesday to Thursday between 11:00 and 13:00.
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