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Courses in Sociology and Human Geography (discontinued)

Showing 1–70 of 70 courses
Course Credits
DEVG312 – Development Theory Course (30 credits) 30
DEVG342 – Self-selected theme (30 credits) 30
DEVG4020 – Literature and writing seminar (10 credits) 10
DEVG4040 – Individual Reading List (10 credits) 10
DEVG4050 – Individual Reading List (20 credits) 20
DEVG4090 – Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
HGO4240 – CityStudio Oslo (30 credits) 30
HGO4403 – Political geographies of work (10 credits) 10
SGO2040 – CityStudio Oslo (30 credits) 30
SGO2301 – Environment and society (10 credits) 10
SGO2600 – Migration, Transnationalism and Development (10 credits) 10
SGO4010 – Qualitative method (10 credits) 10
SGO4015 – Development Theory (15 credits) 15
SGO4030 – Geographical Information Systems (10 credits) 10
SGO4301 – Global Environmental Change (10 credits) 10
SGO4401 – Democratization and civil society in developing countries (10 credits) 10
SGO4403 – Political geographies of work (10 credits) 10
SGO4501 – Development (10 credits) 10
SGO4502 – Development Theory Course 2 (10 credits) 10
SGO4601 – Economic geography: Institutions, evolution and sustainability transitions (10 credits) 10
SGO4604 – Work and workers of the global Work-Place (10 credits) 10
SGO4940 – Geographic Information Systems (Master level course) (10 credits) 10
SGO9003 – Thesis seminar: Midway assessment (2 credits) 2
SGO9005 - UTG?TT – Thesis seminar: Midway assessment (1 credits) 1
SGO9007 – How to publish in high–level international journals (1 credits) 1
SGO9008 – Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis (5 credits) 5
SGO9009 – Advanced statistical methods (5 credits) 5
SGO9010 – Quantitative Methods and Spatial Analysis for Geographers (6 credits) 6
SGO9202 – Political Geographies of Citizenship (6 credits) 6
SGO9203 – The politics of human mobility (6 credits) 6
SGO9204 – History of Geographical Thought and Philosophy (6 credits) 6
SGO9205 – Urban Transformations (6 credits) 6
SGO9206A – The implications of covid-19 for socially inclusive transformations to sustainability A (5 credits) 5
SGO9206B – The implications of covid-19 for socially inclusive transformations to sustainability B (2 credits) 2
SGO9208A – Sustainable urban transformations and social justice (5 credits) 5
SGO9208B – Sustainable urban transformations and social justice (2 credits) 2
SGO9209A – Scaling Transformations to Sustainability in Theory and Practice (5 credits) 5
SGO9209B – Scaling Transformations to Sustainability in Theory and Practice (2 credits) 2
SOS4021 – Research Designs for Causal Inference (10 credits) 10
SOS4401 – Culture, Gender and Sexuality (10 credits) 10
SOS4800 – Globalisation, migration and religion (10 credits) 10
SOS4901 – Scandinavian Labour Markets and Labour Relations (10 credits) 10
SOS4902 – The Scandinavian welfare state model (10 credits) 10
SOS4903 – Family structure and social change (10 credits) 10
SOS4904 – Family, work and welfare in late modernity (10 credits) 10
SOS9003 – Thesis seminar: Midway assessment (2 credits) 2
SOS9005 - UTG?TT – Thesis seminar: Midway assessment (1 credits) 1
SOS9007 – How to publish in high–level international journals (1 credits) 1
SOS9018 – Agent-based Modeling in the Social Sciences (5 credits) 5
SOS9019 – Research Designs for Causal Inference (6 credits) 6
SOS9023 – Macro-qualitative comparisons and varieties of capitalism. Historical and present cases in Scandinavia, Europe and Asia (6 credits) 6
SOS9025/SOS9025B – Sequence analysis (5 credits) 5
SOS9026 – Experimental Research Designs in the Social Sciences (6 credits) 6
SOS9028 – Data visualization (6 credits) 6
SOS9029 – Spatial Data Analysis (6 credits) 6
SOS9215 – Introduction to event history analysis (6 credits) 6
SOS9222 – Narrative Analysis in the Social Sciences (6 credits) 6
SOS9223 – Understanding families: Theory and Research (6 credits) 6
SOS9224 – Transnational networks and migration processes (6 credits) 6
SOS9227 – Social Network Analysis (6 credits) 6
SOS9229 – Genetic Connections - From Family Life to Global Industry (6 credits) 6
SOS9231/SOS9231B – Critical Discourse Analysis, Deliberative Democracy and Rhetorical Citizenship (6 credits) 6
SOS9232 – Residental Segregation: Measurement and Mechanisms (6 credits) 6
SOS9233 – New Directions in Research on Social Class (6 credits) 6
SOS9234 – New trends in contemporary social theory (7 credits) 7
SOS9235 – Gender equality, family change and family policy: new theoretical developments (5 credits) 5
SOSGEO2301 – Environment and society (10 credits) 10
SOSGEO4301 – Global environmental change (10 credits) 10
SOSGEO4604 – Work and workers. Global perspectives (10 credits) 10
SOSGEO4800 – Cultural differences, cultural change and the rise of populism (10 credits) 10