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Arrangement - Side 3

Bli kjent med det nye digitale l?ringsuniverset i bioteknologi og livsvitenskap. Temaene er knyttet opp mot sentrale kompetansem?l i naturfag, samfunnsfag og KRLE, og egner seg godt for tverrfaglig arbeid.

Tid og sted: , Domus Academica: Auditorium 5

UiO:Life Science and vice-rector for research and innovation Per Morten Sandset invite all employees at UiO to breakfast meetings 27 May, 28 May, 29 May and 5 June.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus: Auditorium 2

UiO:Life Science and vice-rector for research and innovation Per Morten Sandset invite all employees at UiO to breakfast meetings 27 May, 28 May, 29 May and 5 June.

Tid og sted: , Domus Medica (preklinisk I og II): Lille auditorium

UiO:Life Science and vice-rector for research and innovation Per Morten Sandset invite all employees at UiO to breakfast meetings 27 May, 28 May, 29 May and 5 June.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus: Auditorium 2

UiO:Life Science and vice-rector for research and innovation Per Morten Sandset invite all employees at UiO to breakfast meetings 27 May, 28 May, 29 May and 5 June.

Solid research is the basis for all new innovations. However, too often data generated in academia turns out to be irreproducible by others and therefor fail in translation to new products and treatments. What does it take to achieve reproducible high quality data?

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Time and again, a product is being developed, approved, and launched, only to flop in the marketplace. So how can you get your ducks in a row to prepare for a successful product, and how early should you start this process? The answer: begin with the end in mind by creating and using a Target Product Profile (TPP).

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

National law and European directives, regulations and guidelines regulate development of medicinal product and medical devices. A product's successful journey from research to market and eventually patients requires a well-designed regulatory strategy and several consultations with regulatory authorities.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

What are the most important skills you need to have as an entrepreneur and why is your business model just as important as your product?

Tid og sted: , Botanical Garden

We invite the citizens of Oslo to a light event with glimpses of life sciences at UiO and amazing ice sculptures. 

Tid og sted: , Hotel Continental, Stortingsgata 24

What were the most important biotechnology debates in 2018? What will be important this year?

Tid og sted: , Ris skole

UiO:Life Science, the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and Creaza will launch a new digital universe. This is a closed event for secondary schools.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 1

A transdisciplinary workshop hosted by the convergence environment COMPARE.

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset, Youngs gate 6

Climate change and solutions to global problems related to health and environment. The event is fully booked.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium, Research Building, Radium Hospital

LMI and partners welcome you to join this  day with presentations and discussions from the Norwegian life science ecosystem and industry leaders from Global Pharma.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium, Research Building, Radium Hospital

This breakfast seminar organised by the UiO:Life Science project Personalized Cancer Therapy (PerCaThe) will discuss the future development of Cancer Precision Medicine and specifically how the field can move to implementation in clinical trials and next in clinical practice.

Tid og sted: , Publikumsfoajeen Nationaltheatret

How much will we sacrifice for knowledge? When is it okay, and when is it not ok to use animals in research?

Tid og sted: , UiO, Helga Engs hus, Sem S?lands vei 7, Oslo

At this seminar PhD students, postdocs and Master?s students in life sciences at UiO and NMBU had the opportunity to create networks outside academia.  Watch videos and see pictures from the event.

Tid og sted: , Aud. 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Blindern, Oslo

Welcome to the annual Darwin Day lectures at the University of Oslo! Lectures by Peter R. Grant, B. Rosemary Grant, Arkhat Abzhanov and Leif Andersson. Since Darwin’s time insights from the fields of genetics, genomics, behavior and ecology have continued to illuminate how and why species evolve. At this event you will hear about the progress that has been made in our understanding of speciation and related topics. 

Tid og sted: , Runde auditorium 105, Domus Medica tilbygg

The symposium will bring together leading Nordic scientists to discuss the latest developments of Organ on a Chip-technology. The event is hosted by the UiO:Life Science convergence environment: Organ on a chip and the Hybrid Technology Hub Center of Excellence.

Tid og sted: , Oslo City Hall, R?dhusplassen 1

Refreshments and mingling in Oslo City Hall for all participants of the conference. The Governing Mayor of Oslo, Raymond Johansen, is our host for the evening. You need a ticket to attend the reception. The reception is fully booked.

Tid og sted: , The University Aula

We highlighted inspiring examples on collaboration between academia and industry that have benefitted patients and society. How can we learn from these examples while building the health industry in Oslo and Norway?

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Funding and partnering is critical when you want to commercialize an academic idea. What are the pitfalls? What is critical? What are the dos and don'ts?

Tid og sted: , Messukeskus, Helsinki

UiO:Life Science is the co-organizer of a pitching competition for life science pre-startups and early phase startups in Helsinki  in December. The event is part of at the SLUSH side-event Y Science. A SPARK Norway team is among the finalists!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus, auditorium 1, Moltke Moes vei 39

Livsvitskapsbygget ved UiO skal st? ferdig i 2024. F?rste spadetak blir teke f?rste kvartal 2019. Ein stor brukarorganisasjon har vore i sving siste halv?ret og UiO f?r innspel fr? eksterne akt?rer. F? med deg siste nytt om byggeprosjektet og vegen vidare. 

Tid og sted: , Nationaltheatret, Publikumsfoajéen, Johanne Dybwads plass 1

Hvordan p?virker utseendet v?rt hvilke muligheter vi har p? arbeidsmarkedet og v?r sosiale status? 

Det nye livsvitenskapsbygget ved UiO skal bidra til ?kt verdiskaping og ?kt internasjonal konkurransekraft innen livsvitenskap. For ? realisere visjonen trenger UiO ? h?re hvilke forventninger eksterne akt?rer har til bygget. 

Thomas Hanke EVP, Head of Academic Partnerships at Evotec AG will share his insights on successful models for academia–industry collaboration and lessons learned from evaluating and advancing early stage academic innovations into successful industry projects. He will also introduce Evotec’s BRIDGE concept.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus, University of Oslo

Honorary guest and speaker: Holberg Prize Winner and Professor Julia Kristeva, Université Paris Diderot. Key note speakers:  Professor Marie Rose Moro, Université Paris Descartes, Professor Brian Hurwitz, King's College London and Professor Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford.

Roundtable discussion chaired by Brandy Schillace, Editor-in-chief of BMJ’s Medical Humanities Journal (London). Commentary to Julia Kristeva's lecture by Prof. Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (Emory University).

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus, UiO, Sem S?lands vei 7

Lecture by Professor Jerome S. Engel "Innovation in the Digital Age: How does it impact health care and the life sciences?"

Tid og sted: , Launch Stage, Glassgaten, Oslo Science Park

How can UiO:Life Science?s innovation programme SPARK Norway contribute to turning great ideas from basic research into products?

Tid og sted: , Sogn Arena, ground floor, Klaus Torg?rds vei 3

All who want to join the application process for funding of interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments – have to join at least one  workshop in September. The registration deadline is 22 August.

Tid og sted: , Nationaltheatret, Publikumsfoajéen, Johanne Dybwads plass 1

Norges store dramatiker Henrik Ibsen jobbet som farmas?ytisk medhjelper p? apotek samtidig som hans dr?m om ? bli forfatter begynte ? spire frem. I Ibsens verk m?ter vi for eksempel flere leger og finner henvisninger til ny kunnskap fra forskningsfronten innen naturvitenskap, ja p? en m?te gir Ibsen oss en ?snikinnf?ring? i realfag i sine verker.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs house, Aud. 2
Tid og sted: , Stockholm Waterfront, Nils Ericsons Plan 4

This Academic Catwalk features exciting academic projects from three Nordic countries illustrating the rich and broad research milieus and their motivation to advance their ideas into innovations for patients.

Tid og sted: , Sogn Arena, ground floor, Klaus Torg?rds vei 3

All who want to join the application process for funding of interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments – have to join at least one  workshop in September. The registration deadline is 22 August.

Tid og sted: , Arendal, UiOs skip MS Sunnhordland, Langbryggen

Akademia og industri er gjensidig avhengig av hverandre for at ideer med utspring i grunnforskning skal tas videre til produkt. Gjennom innovasjonsprogrammet SPARK Norway som er etablert ved UiO, tar vi ut det beste fra begge sider for ? bidra til ?kt verdiskaping innen livsvitenskap. Hvilke gap fyller SPARK-programmet? Og er dette modell som b?r spres til hele Norge?

Tid og sted: , Arendal, UiOs skip MS Sunnhordland, Langbryggen

En Stortingsmelding om helsen?ring er p? trappene. Persontilpasset medisin er ett av omr?dene der Norge kan f? stor verdiskaping for b?de pasienter og samfunn. Hvor st?r vi n?, og hvor m? veien g? videre for at vi skal f? fart p? b?de implementering i klinikk og n?ringsutvikling.

Tid og sted: , TBD

This meeting is cancelled. Please check our web page for meetings relevant for the SPARK Norway community later.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science?s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science?s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science?s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science?s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Lies auditorium, Moltke Moes vei 35

Livsvitskapsbygget ved UiO skal st? ferdig i 2024. F?rste spadetak blir teke f?rste kvartal 2019. Kva er bestemt s? langt om kven og kva som skal inn i bygget? Og kva skjer i byggeprosjektet framover?

Tid og sted: , Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalléen 21

From research to the regulated world – a SPARK Norway educational lecture.

Tid og sted: , Nationaltheatret, Publikumsfoajéen, Johanne Dybwads plass 1

I krysningen mellom science fiction og forskning ?nsker vi velkommen til frokostm?te om reiser i verdensrommet, befolkning og vekst p? andre planeter og evigheten.

Tid og sted: , Oslo Science park, Hagen 1 + 2

Seminar with GSK: Industry collaboration with academia

Tid og sted: , ShareLab, Oslo Science Park

Pitching competition where all SPARK Norway teams are invited.

Tid og sted: , Botanisk hage

Vi inviterte Oslos befolkning til lysvandring i Botanisk hage p? kvelden 15. februar. P? vandringen fikk de se glimt av livsvitenskap i tillegg til vakre isskulpturer – en flott avslutning p? Oslo Life Science 2018.

Tid og sted: , Runde auditorium, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9

The future of medicine is interdisciplinary with contributions from natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. At this seminar, we showcase collaboration across disciplines in research on personalised cancer therapies; organ on a chip and nano-devices; and epigenetics and bioethics of human embryonic development. All topics with international keynote speakers.

Get updated on the latest research on sustainable food and diet. Topics: Circular economy for more sustainable feed and food production and new sources of nutrients; Sustainable animal and plant-based food; and Gene technology in future food production for our health and the environment.

Tid og sted: , H?ndverkeren, festsalen, Rosenkrantzgate 7 Oslo

In Norwegian. Hva var de viktigste debattene om bioteknologi i 2017? Hva blir viktig i ?ret som kommer?

Tid og sted: , Stallen, Professorboligen, UiO

At this seminar PhD-students, postdocs and Master?s students at UiO and NMBU had the opportunity to create networks outside academia. The response for the event was overwhelming and it was fully booked in a short time.

Tid og sted: , Latter, Oslo Aker brygge

LMI and partners welcome you to join this day where we will present the Norwegian life science ecosystem, discuss the importance of collaboration, look at global success stories and challenge Norwegian decision and policy makers on their ambition and execution.

Tid og sted: , City hall, R?dhusplassen 1

For all participants of the conference.

Tid og sted: , The University Aula

The main event of Oslo Life Science 2018 where we showcased our best interdisciplinary research and let international speakers give us new insight in how to increase value creation from basic research. And we got to hear what the government expects from the life science community in the Oslo region. See pictures and watch videos from the event.

Tid og sted: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

As the third country in Europe, Norway has established the innovation programme SPARK based on Stanford SPARK. At this kick-off UiO showcased the first Norwegian SPARK teams – SPARKees. See pictures and watch videos from the event.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Blindern

Welcome to the annual Darwin Day celebration at the university of Oslo. This open event is for everybody interested in science and history. Topic this year: The ecology and evolution of infectious diseases.

Heiner Dreismann (former CEO of Roche Molecular Systems) on how to successfully build an international life science industry.

Hva hadde Kill Bill v?rt uten blod? Eller Shakespeares Richard den tredje? Blod er livsviktig for oss, men blod er ogs? forbundet med sykdom og d?d – og ikke minst et yndet virkemiddel i litteratur, film og teater. Hva vet vi om blodet? Hva kan blodet fortelle om oss?

Tid og sted: , Oslo Science Park, the temporary dome

Algae can be used to make foods, medicines and energy. What role can researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and investors play in bringing ideas to the market?

Tid og sted: , Nationaltheatret, foajeen

Mengden informasjon som finnes om oss i helsetjenesten, og data som vi selv samler inn med kroppssensorer og smarttelefoner, vokser. Hvordan tar vi vare p? verdien i dataene uten at det g?r p? bekostning av personvernet? Vi tar debatten med bakgrunn i h?stens oppsetning av 1984 p? Nationaltheatret.

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset, hovedrommet, Youngs gate 6

Universitetet i Oslo planlegger et nytt forsknings- og undervisningsbygg for livsvitenskap og 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录er med en rekke akt?rer for ? ?ke graden av innovasjon. Hva m? til for ? utvikle hele Gaustadbekkdalen til et levende og attraktivt byomr?de for forskning, utdanning, innovasjon og n?ringsutvikling?

Tid og sted: , Malm?–Copenhagen
Tid og sted: , Blindern Campus

Lecture "A new era of medicine with induced pluripotent stem cells – iPS cells" and panel discussion "Implications of Stem Cell Therapy for Patients and Society" with Shinya Yamanaka, 2012 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine. 

Tid og sted: , Arendal, Clarion Hotel Tyholmen

Hvordan kommer vi fra gode intensjoner til faktisk ? f? mer innovasjon ut av forskningen og skape nye arbeidsplasser innen helsen?ringen? Hvordan vil ulike politiske partier og andre legge til rette for at vi skal n? m?lene om ? bli en livsvitenskapsnasjon?

Tid og sted: , Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park

The foremost experts in the field of personalized medicine will come together with the Nordic hospital directors and medical faculty deans to explore issues such as data sharing, privacy, innovation, stakeholder engagement, and cross-border studies from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Hvordan lager og lagrer hjernen v?r minner? Hva er falske minner? Kan falske nyheter f? oss til ? huske ting som ikke har skjedd? Kan vi stole p? vitneforklaringer? Kan andre manipulere minnene v?re? Hva er mulig i dag og hva er science fiction? M?t forskere som ved ulike tiln?rminger gir oss innsikt i det siste fra forskningsfronten samt mulighetene og utfordringene framover.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus

– Program 17th February 2017

For researchers at UiO and the surroundings that will be impacted by the planned life science building at UiO.

Tid og sted: , The University Aula

– Program 16th February 2017

This is the main conference day with perspectives from academia, businesses and politics. There is a reception in the Oslo City Hall in the evening.

–  Program 15th February 2017 – Partnership4Life

This day is meant for businesses that want to partner up with academia and vice versa.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes hus, Aud. 5, Blindern, Oslo

Welcome to the annual Darwin Day celebration at the university of Oslo! This open event is for everybody interested in science and history. All are welcome! Speakers: Douglas J. Futuyma, Emma Goldberg, Andrew Hendry, and Yngvild Vindenes.

UiO:Life Science will fund several ?konvergensmilj?? – research groups with collaboration across conventional disciplinary boundaries. The application process starts with workshops with speed dating September 28 and 29.

Tid og sted: , Sogn Arena, 1. etasje, Klaus Torg?rds vei 3, 0372 Oslo

UiO:Livsvitenskap skal finansiere flere konvergensmilj? – forskningsgrupper med 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 p? tvers av konvensjonelle faggrenser. S?knadsprosessen starter med workshop med speed-dater 28. og 29. september.

UiO:Life Science will fund several ?konvergensmilj?? – research groups with collaboration across conventional disciplinary boundaries. The application process starts with workshops with speed dating September 28 and 29.

Tid og sted: , Sogn Arena, 1. etasje, Klaus Torg?rds vei 3, 0372 Oslo

UiO:Livsvitenskap skal finansiere flere konvergensmilj? – forskningsgrupper med 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 p? tvers av konvensjonelle faggrenser. S?knadsprosessen starter med workshop med speed-dater 28. og 29. september.

Tid og sted: , Aud. 1, Helga Eng's hus, Blindern, Oslo

Open for all! Speakers: Corina E. Tarnita from Princeton University and Jan M. Nordbotten from Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen. This event is part of the University’s annual celebration.

Tid og sted: , UiO, Helga Engs hus, auditorium 2

Fredrik Lanner, assistant professor, Karolinska Institutet, will present the work leading up to the recent publication on gene expression in early human embryos, and present his plans to use CRISPR technology to edit genes in early human embryos, as one of the first researchers in the world.

Tid og sted: , UiO, Helga Engs hus, auditorium 2

Svenske forskere er blant de f?rste i verden som har kartlagt i detalj hvordan gener styrer fosterutviklingen hos mennesker. P? Fredrik Lanners gjesteforelesning i Oslo 2. juni f?r du h?re om den banebrytende forskningen og planene videre om ? forske p? genredigerte embryoer.

Tid og sted: , The Science Library, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

How can the brain learn from experiences, and at the same time be stable enough to retain memories for decades? How does mental capacity change throughout life? Can oral infection be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease? At the seminar we will look more deeply into these questions.