
Published Jan. 12, 2005 1:00 AM

Student Conference SUM 12.01.2005 Program of the day

10.00: Tourism and Its Environmental and Cultural Effects.

Camilla Lee Maana: How Tourism Effect People and Their Culture in Developing Countries, and Wether It Can Contribute to Social Equallity and Better Awareness or How do World Tourism Organization's Work With Third World Tourism, Effects or Gain the Locals?

Heidi Kathleen Smith: Turtles vs. Tourism: The Fight For Survival in Mexico.

Henriette Berg: Eco-tourism at the Galapagos Islands. Fishermen, Yachts and Marine Iguanas.

*Sustainable Development Njuguna Martin Karani: Civil Society and Environmental Sustainability in Kenya.

Andrèa Zenòbio Gunneng: Formulating Information Strategies to Promote Sustainable Consumption Behavior.

Elena Lukyanova: Russia and Sustainable Devel...

Published Jan. 10, 2005 1:00 AM

Welcome to student conference Wednesday January 10 from 10 to 5. More information to follow shortly ....


Published Jan. 3, 2005 1:00 AM

You may pick up your grade Tuesday January 4 at noon at the reception desk at SUM. Remember your student ID and your candidate number.

Published Dec. 10, 2004 1:00 AM


Please prepare a one page thesis statement. The statement is due MONDAY JANUARY 10, at noon at the reception desk at SUM. You may prepare two different thesis statements if you have two different ideas for your thesis. The statement(s) should be as short and concise as possible. It must include:

Full name

E-mail or other relevant contact information

Possible thesis title and subtitle (max 10 words)

Summary (max 100 words)

Argument and methodology (max 50 words)

Chief intellectual inspiration (three titles of articles and books):

The two most important academic disciplines you associate with:

The name of one or two thesis advisors you would like to work with:

Three jobs you think you will qualify for when your thesis is finished:

We will make a compendium of all the thesis statements for circulation among students and scholars at SUM onl...

Published Dec. 9, 2004 1:00 AM

Stipend for the norwegian speaking students

Published Dec. 8, 2004 1:00 AM


You are invited to an end of the year party at the reading room, Sognsveien 70, Friday December 10 at 8 (in the evening of course). Please bring your favorite local dish and drinks.

the Party committee

Published Dec. 6, 2004 1:00 AM

TRAIN STRIKE! For those of you traveling by train, be aware! The train is on strike between 12 and 3 in the afternoon Tuesday December 7. See you between 2 and 4 at SUM. (The tram and buss system is working).

Published Nov. 22, 2004 1:00 AM

Here is an explanation for how the grading works:

Published Nov. 18, 2004 1:00 AM

EXAM SUM 4014 2004

Please write an essay of about 8-10 pages answering ONE of following questions. Your answer should be delivered to the reception desk at SUM Friday December 10th before 12:00. Good luck.

1. In his lecture about the importance of religion to understand environmental ethics Tarjei R?nnow claimed that much of the environmental movement is imbedded in religious views. Explain his arguments, and use your notes from his lecture to analyze and discuss Holms Rolston's articles. Do you agree with R?nnow that environmentalists often evoke religion in making their claims? You may bring in a rich body of relevant literature, sources, and examples in your discussion.

2. Explain what Arne N?ss' "ecosophy" is all about. What is the relationship between his views and the "deep ecology platform"? Use the readings to discuss the validity of his philosophical argumentation and the merits of the plat...

Published Nov. 16, 2004 1:00 AM

The student representative asked for an extension of the deadline for the seminar essay. The new deadline will be FRIDAY DECEMBER 10th at noon.

Published Nov. 7, 2004 1:00 AM

Tarjei R?nnow will give a guest lecture this Thursday about the importance of religion to understand environmental ethics. R?nnow is a historian of religion at the University of Trondheim.

Published Nov. 5, 2004 1:00 AM

Holiday vacation will be between December 18 and January 9

Published Nov. 4, 2004 1:00 AM

Message from Guro S?rnes:

Let’s celebrate the handing in of our essays at Kunstnerneshus this Thursday November 4th at 8pm. More information at the lecture on Thursday.

Published Oct. 29, 2004 2:00 AM


The essay questions for the module will be posted on this website November 18 (last day of class). The answers are to be short essays of 8-10 pages. The deadline will be Monday December 6 at noon. Good luck!

Published Oct. 29, 2004 2:00 AM

There will be an information meeting about plans for the next semester Tuesday December 7 at 2pm in the seminar room.

Published Oct. 27, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Peder:

Please bring your copy of Witoszek and Brennan (eds.)Philosophical dialogues: Arne N?ss and the progress of ecophilosophy to the lecture on Thursday.

Published Oct. 19, 2004 2:00 AM

The lext lecture, Thursday October 21, will be in Sognsveien 70. 4th floor. (Two floors above your reading room)

Published Oct. 5, 2004 2:00 AM

See syllabus for information about the course

Published Sep. 16, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Liv Norderud:

All the students have access to 16 desks with computers and 14 desks without a computer in Sognsveien 70, the 3rd floor. We will in the near future try to provide more desks with computers. There is also a printer in the room for your service. The telephone will give you direct access to the Center’s switchboard in case you need any help.

The room is open for those with a valid student card from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening. Unfortunately, the door to the building closes at 5 in the evening. If you need to access the room after that, please coordinate with fellow students already inside.

Please feel free to occupy the desks with your books etc. You must bring your own lock for the locker. We stipulate that two students will have to share each desk.

Make this your second home. Bring your coffee mugs and posters!

Published Sep. 8, 2004 2:00 AM

Important message to all Master-Students at SUM-4014.

SUM-4014 begins on Thursday 14 October at 13.15 in Sognsveien 68, fourth floor. The session will include a short information meeting about the course and an introductory lecture. The whole course will consist of 6 consecutive lectures held every Thursday between 13:15 and 15:00.