K?re alle,
P? onsdag holder Ragnhild Bass?e Gundersen en g?steforel?sning baseret p? hendes ph.d.-projekt.
Hun vil fokusere p? de praktiske udfordringer omkring data og informationsh?ndtering, og hvordan IS kan bidrage til l?sninger i helsesektoren.
Litteraturen ligger p? lektionsplanen.
Vh. Troels og Sune
K?re alle,
Temaet for n?ste session er "Clinical decision-making".
Vi har denne gang 1 tekster: Hurlen (2022): Clinical decisions in a clinical informatics perspective.
N?r I l?ser og bruger Perplexity, s? reflektér over f?lgende:
- Hvad er de vigtigste tr?k ved klinisk beslutningstagning og meningsskabelse?
- Hvad er de prim?re muligheder og udfordringer ved at underst?tte klinisk beslutningstagning med digital teknologi?
Med venlig hilsen
Sune og Troels
K?re alle,
Temaet for n?ste session er "Usefulness of health data".
Vi har denne gang 2 tekster: Stansfield et al. (2011) og Raghupathi & Raghupathi (2014).
N?r I l?ser og bruger Perplexity, s? reflektér over f?lgende:
- Hvorfor er data og informasjon s? vigtig i helsesektoren og hvad er de vigtigste informasjonsbehov?
- Hvad er de prim?re udfordringer deling af data og informasjon i helsesektoren?
Med venlig hilsen
Sune og Troels
K?re alle,
N?ste onsdag (23. oktober) planl?gger vi med pr?sentation og diskussion af 2 selvvalgte cases.
Forberedelsen best?r i at studere én selvvalgt case i hver gruppe.
Gruppe 1:...
Dear all
Apologies that the questions for the next session this time comes out a bit late.
At the next session we are moving into discussing information needs in healthcare where you are asked to read Gundersen et al (2020) and Burton-Jones et al (2020).
When preparing, please consider the following questions:
- What are the most important information needs in the Norwegian healthcare sector?
- What is the role of digitalization is satisfying these information needs and what are the main challenges?
Kind regards,
Sune and Troels
Dear all
While we hope you are enjoying the fall break, here are some instructions for the session next week where the topic is 'social determinants of health'.
In your preparations, please consider the following questions:
- What are social determinants of health? How are these different from other types of health indicators?
- What are the implications of social determinants of health in how we approach development of health information systems? In relation to this question, please read Larsen et al (2018) thoroughly and see if you can identify any limitations in the approach apply here to detect risk of developing lifestyle-related disease through a data-driven approach.
Kind regards,
K?re alle,
Temaet for n?ste session er "The Norwegian Health Care System".
Vi har denne gang blot 1 tekst: Saunes et al. (2020), hvor I bedes l?se kapitel 2 og 5.
N?r I l?ser og bruger Perplexity, s? reflektér over f?lgende:
- Hvad er de vigtigste tr?k ved m?den den norske helsesektor er organiseret p??
- Hvad er de prim?re udfordringer for digitalisering som kommer af denne organisering?
Med venlig hilsen
Sune og Troels
K?re alle,
Vi er snart igennem en tredjedel af kurset, hvilket er et godt tidspunkt at g?re forel?big status.
Typisk er kursusevalueringer noget vi foretager efter et kursus, men i ?r g?r vi det lidt anderledes - i tr?d med vores eksperiment.
Vi vil gerne bede om jeres feedback p? kurset, s?ledes at vi kan l?re og justere undervejs....
K?re alle,
N?ste gang er temaet "Surveillance of communicable diseases & International health regulations".
Vi har 2 tekster og et link til WHO's hjemmside om "International Health Regulations".
N?r I l?ser og bruger Perplexity, s? fokusér p? at forst?:
- Hvilke internationale forpligtelser Norge og andre lande har.
- Hvad de kr?ver ift. overv?gning, og hvordan I med jeres informatik-baggrund kan bidrage til digitale l?sninger.
Vh. Sune
K?re alle,
Troels og jeg har oprettet en Google Drive folder med materialet fra de enkelte undervisningstimer.
Vi har sendt jer invitationer p? mail, s? I kan tilg? materialet.
Vh. Sune
Dear all
Hereby the Perplexity-generated summary of yestersday's session. Please mind that the recording, and hence the transcript, did not catch the discussions in the breakout rooms, and also I unfortunately forgot to record parts of the discussion on class. Hence, the summary is incomplete, but it is the best we have:
Based on the transcript, here are the key points and takeaways from the discussion:
- The topic of the lecture was "Global and Planetary Health."
- The professors encouraged students to use Perplexity AI as a tool for preparation and understanding complex texts.
- The discussion was structured into two main parts:
a) Understanding the concepts of global health and planetary health
b) Discussing how these concepts are relevant to informaticians - Key differences between global health and planetary health:
- ...
Dear all
Hereby the meeting link for the next seminar. Please now that we have decided to switch to Zoom, so please make sure you have this installed.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 610 4733 0030
Kind regards,
Sune and Troels
Dear all
As promised, here is a summary of the discussion today. This is created by Perplexity based on a transcript done by Autotekst.
Based on the transcript, here are the key takeaways from the discussion on categories of disease and their implications for informatics:
- Disease Classification Systems:
- The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) is a comprehensive system with around 85,000 codes for classifying diseases.
- Other classification systems like SNOMED CT are also used in healthcare.
- Challenges in Disease Classification:
- Some diseases can fall under multiple categories, making classification complex.
- There's a distinction between "disease" (objective, physiological) and "illness" (subjective experience of being unwell). ...
Dear all
We realize that the instructions for the next session at DIGHEL4350 where perhaps a bit too open (and thanks to those who asked), so here is a little bit more information.
For the next session we ask you explore the resources available at To do this, please create a free profile, watch the introduction video, and then try to familiarize yourself with the underlying resources. The purpose of this is mainly to get some experience with digesting information about diseases which is aimed for a very different target audience than ourselves - namely people going through a health education. We are therefore very curious to discuss your experiences and what you find challenging with digesting this.
Furthermore we plan to discuss the following questions during the session on Wednesday:
...Dear all
Hereby another AI-generated summary. This version is also generated by Perplexity, but this time based on a transcription done using Please read this - it would be interesting to hear your opinion of which summary is more helpful for you.
Based on the transcript, here are some important takeaways from the discussion between students and teachers in this university course:
- The course is using a "Flipped Classroom" model, where students prepare by reading materials beforehand and then engage in active discussion during class time. ...
Dear all
As promised, here is a summary of our discussion about health and disease today. The summary is generated by Perplexity based on the transcription generated by Teams. Please use this to reflect on your learning from the session and discuss with yourself or with other students in anything important is left out:
The transcription from the university course discussion on health and disease, titled "DIGHEL4350 Health and Disease transkription (Teams)," highlights several key takeaways:
- Complexity of Defining Disease: The discussion underscores the complexity and multidimensional nature of defining what constitutes a disease. Participants noted that definitions of disease are not universally agreed upon and can vary based on cultural, social, and historical contexts. This aligns with the perspectives presented in the attached papers, which emphasize that disease definitions are influe...
Dear all
As announced on the first class, all sessions on DIGHEL4350 will be fully online. We will be using Microsoft Teams, so please ensure that you have this software properly installed so you are ready for the next session on Wednesday.
Meeting links will be provided for each session on the course page. On Wednesday, please join the seminar on the following link:
M?de-id: 342 542 912 871
Adgangskode: Kj2E22
Kind regards,
Sune and Troels
Dear all
First of all, we are looking forward to welcoming to the course. Here is a bit of information before the first session:
The purpose of the course is to introduce you a broad set of fundamental topics within health science and give you sufficient background knowledge about the healthcare sector to enable you to engage in interdisciplinary work later in your education. Based on this, we will also discuss information needs in healthcare and the role of digital technologies in supporting these.
As the type of literature we will read is unfamiliar to many, the course also aims to make you comfortable with reading and discussing literature from health sciences. Because of this, the course is organized as a reading club.
This entails that there will be no 'traditional' lectures. Instea...