
Publisert 22. juni 2018 15:54

Dear all,

The correction of the exams in INF3480/INF4380 will be ready within the 27th of june.


Publisert 24. mai 2018 18:43

The exam for both INF3480 and INF4380 will be given in english since all lectures have been in english.

Good luck with the exam!

Publisert 22. mai 2018 08:40

Remember that all guest lectures like ROS, Evolutionary Robotics and Mobile Robots (self-driving cars) are part of the syllabus/curriculum and can be tested during the final exam.

Publisert 18. mai 2018 11:04

New and updated slides and notes for Control Theory is now uploaded in the lecture plan.


Also the lecture slides of Eirik on Self-Driving Cars is uploaded at the Place of summary in the lecture plan.

Publisert 9. mai 2018 19:18

Next week there will be a lecture held by Eirik on "The way forward for self driving cars" at Seminarrom Logo wednesday (16.05) 12:15-14:00.

This lecture will connect our understanding of robotics to a self driving car, and present a quick overview of some of the different actors, their approaches, limits and future directions. We will also briefly investigate the societal perspective and impact of self driving cars, as well as investigate what triggered the major advances in the development of autonomous vehicles. Lastly we will explore an idea on how to excel this field in Norway, what our benefits and advantages are, and propose a direction for future work which could contribute significantly to the worldwide adaptation of self driving cars.

Publisert 4. mai 2018 15:10

Those of you who want to decide who to be in a group with can send an email to Daniel ( with the usernames of your groupmates. This has to be done before the end of Friday( tomorrow). Only one member per group needs to send an email. 
For those of you who just want to be put on a group can wait until Saturday, when you will get an email containing the names of your groupmates.

Publisert 26. apr. 2018 15:31

According to your vote, the lecture on Evolutionary Robotics and ROBIN tour will take place on 9th May, 12:15 - 14:00. We will meet at OJD Seminarrom Prolog

As the last part of Oblig 3, you will be testing drawing the circle on a real CrustCrawler. It will take place during group sessions on 7 and 8 May (10-12). It is after the submission of Oblig 3(b) deadline, but this part is also obligatory to complete. You will be divided into small groups to test the code, and you should try it even if you had trouble finishing the final task of Oblig 3(b).

If you cannot come to any of the sessions on 7, 8 May, please email Fredrik stating the reason:

Publisert 25. apr. 2018 23:35

Next lecture we'll continue with ROS in the same structure, the first lecture will be a continuation of theoretical part followed by practical coding session in the second half. I spoke to Drift today and they spent the whole week troubleshooting and fixing the ROS VM, so hopefully, most of you will be able to connect to it now and will have stable VM. If you still have any troubles with a connection to VM, please email drift and they will try to help you asap.

Publisert 19. apr. 2018 16:27

Regarding Week 19 and 20, we are planning a Lecture in Evolutionary Robotics, combined with a Tour at ROBIN. ROBIN is the research group at IFI working with robotics, in particular, evolutionary robotics. We have made a doodle at so please choose your available dates and the lecture will be held at the time and date that most of you are available.

Publisert 19. apr. 2018 15:44

Thanks everyone for coming to ROS lecture. Oblig 3(b) is out and you will need to use ROS (Kinetic) for it. Source code of pid_assignment. We recommend using ROS Virtual Machine hosted by Drift (instructions are linked in the assignment sheet). As we saw, it had troubles handling many connections at once and we reported it to Drift. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon. If you keep having timeout/refused connection issues, please let us know on #ros slack channel (username and error you're getting) and you can email But please do NOT contact Drift regarding anything to do with the Oblig tasks or how to use Ubuntu or ROS. Teaching assistants will be able to help you out with that.

Good luck!

Publisert 18. apr. 2018 15:49

Please note that tomorrow the lecture will take place in a different lecture room than usual - OJD Seminarrom Caml (3rd floor). We will be learning Robot Operating System (ROS) and this will include some hands-on experience. We recommend to bring laptops and in the 2nd part of the lecture try to follow the coding part to get some hands-on experience. It will be highly relevant for the Oblig 3(b). We will be using ROS virtual machine hosted by Drift. You should try to follow these instructions to try to connect to the VM with VM Horizon desktop client.

Publisert 11. apr. 2018 21:26

To pass assignment 3a we expect that you've tried to solve all the tasks. 
If a task proves to be too hard to solve mathematically it is suggested to deliver a written explanation of the intended solution. 
The most important tasks to solve is Task 1a, 1b and 1e(using your results from 1b).

While assignment 3b is postponed by one week, the deadline to assignment 3a will NOT be delayed. 
Instead, we strongly suggest that you spend the upcoming week focusing on the weekly tasks on control theory.

Publisert 11. apr. 2018 18:15

Tomorrow we will continue with Control Theory lectures and don't forget the deadline for Oblig 3(a).

Oblig 3(b) will be handed out next week on April 19, when we will start learning Robot Operating System (ROS).

Publisert 10. apr. 2018 10:03

We have updated assgnment 3A with updated figures and text, to avoid misunderstanding and explicitly state how the masses are modeled in our robot. See updated PDF in the lecture plan.

Publisert 5. apr. 2018 17:26

Assignment (Oblig) 3A is out. You can find it here and in the lecture plan. Deadline for submission is 12th of April 12AM. Good luck!

Publisert 22. mars 2018 20:03

Due to upcoming vacations, feedback for Assignment 2 will come after Easter.  We expect to finish all the correcting around 06.04

Publisert 5. mars 2018 16:42

Feedback on Assignment 1 is out and you should be able to see it now. If you were asked to do a second attempt, the general deadline for it is Tuesday 23:59 unless it's specifically indicated as a different time for you.

Publisert 1. mars 2018 16:40

Assignment (Oblig) 2 is out. You can find it here and in the lecture plan. Deadline for submission is 22nd March. Good luck!

Publisert 22. feb. 2018 14:41

Devilry3 will be held open for deliveries throughout the day. The new deadline is 23:59, today 22. feb.
This is because of a mistake from our side. The original deadline has passed(12:00 today), but if you want to make some adjustments to your assignment you have the rest of the day to do so. The reason for this change is because the assignment text did not specify the time of delivery, just the date. Future assignments will specify the exact deadline with time.

Publisert 20. feb. 2018 18:36

In order to avoid confusions, we have updated task 1, 2b, 3 and 4c in Assignment 1 with some additional clarifications. This adds nothing new to the assignment, just state explicitly what to do in those tasks if you are unsure. Good luck finalizing the assignment. You can use the previous links to download the updated PDF or download it here.

Publisert 16. feb. 2018 13:28

This year this course uses devilry3 for assignments. It's important that you deliver on, and not the normal delivry. If you encounter any problems email me at The assignment is open for deliveries, so if it doesn't show up under "Your assignments" contact me ASAP.

Publisert 1. feb. 2018 14:53

Oblig 1 er lagt ut her.



The first mandatory assignment is out here.

Publisert 19. jan. 2018 16:45

For easier communication between the students and with Teaching Assistants, we have a Slack channel for the course. We highly recommend you to join it and actively participate:

Recommended weekly exercises will be listed in the lecture plan. Working early and completing them each week will definitely help you to take some stress off before the exam :-)

Publisert 15. jan. 2018 12:10

Velkommen til f?rste forelesning i INF3480/INF4380 torsdag 18.januar kl. 12.15-14.00 i Lille auditorium p? Kristen Nygaards hus !

Ole Jakob Elle, Fagl?rer