
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.01.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Basic information about the course, numerical integration, the trapezoidal method? Chapter 1.3-1.4

Basic info about the course

Slides for Chapter 1

Background quiz?

31.01.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Ordinary differential equations: model for exponential growth; explicit and implicit Euler methods; existence, stability, and uniqueness? Section 2.1: 2.1.2-2.1.3, Section 2.2: 2.2.2-2.2.3

Slides for Chapter 2

Lecture 2 Quiz??

02.02.2012Gruppel?rer? Logo? Using the trapezoidal method? Exercise 1.1, 1.3, 1.4

L?sningsforslag for 1.4a-c (Python kode)?

07.02.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Suggested answers to Lecture Quiz 2, stability of the implicit Euler method for the linear ODE example, derivation of explicit and implicit Euler methods for a nonlinear ODE example? Section 2.1.4, 2.2.4-2.2.6

Lecture 2 Quiz answers

Lecture 3 Quiz?

09.02.2012Gruppel?rer? Assembler? Solving ordinary differential equations? Exercise 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,

L?sningsforslag for 2.1e-f, 2.2e-f (Python kode)?

14.02.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Systems of ordinary differential equations: Suggested answers to Lecture 3 Quiz, introduction to systems of ODEs, quick summary of basic linear algebra, definition of explicit and implicit schemes; existence of numerical solutions; O(h^k) notation? Slides for Chapter 3

Lecture 3 Quiz answers

Lecture 4 Quiz?

16.02.2012Gruppel?rer? Assembler? Accuracy of numerical methods for ODEs? Project 2.4.2?
21.02.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Phase plane analysis of systems of 2 ODEs; estimating error in energy functional for explicit and implicit Euler; the Crank-Nicolson scheme; energy conservation? Source code used for Lecture 4 Quiz

Lecture Quiz 4 Answers

Lecture 5 slides

Source code used for numerics

Lecture Quiz 5??

23.02.2012Gruppel?rer? Assembler? Stability of numerical methods for ODEs? Exercise 2.5, Project 2.4.1?
28.02.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Nonlinear algebraic equations: the Bisection method,Newton's method, comparison of the two, Newton's method for systems of nonlinear equations? Slides for Chapter 4

Lecture 5 Quiz Answers

Lecture 6 slides

Source code used for numerics

Lecture Quiz 6?

01.03.2012Gruppel?rer? Assembler? Solving systems of ODEs? Exercise 3.1, 3.2, 3.3?
06.03.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Fixed-point iterations for nonlinear equations of the form v = h(v); existence, uniqueness and convergence? ?
08.03.2012Gruppel?rer? Assembler? Analyzing systems of ODEs? Veiledning for Oblig 1 ?
13.03.2012Glenn Terje Lines? CAML? The method of least squares? Slides for Chapter 5

Least squares method, quadratic function fit to small data set?

20.03.2012Glenn Terje Lines ? CAML ? About Scientific Software? Slides for Chapter 6

Least squares method, for continous functions

Chapter 5 quiz?

10.04.2012Glenn Terje Lines ? CAML ? The Diffusion Equation? Slides for Chapter 7

Chapter 5 quiz answers?

12.04.2012? Assembler? kap 5 og 7? oppg 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 7.1, 7.2?
17.04.2012 Glenn Terje Lines ? CAML? The Diffusion Equation ? Chapter 7 quiz?
19.04.2012? Assembler? kap 7? 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7?
24.04.2012Glenn Terje Lines ? CAML ? Analysis of the Diffusion Equation ? Slides for Chapter 8

Chapter 7 quiz 2

Code for vectorized exp. Euler?

26.04.2012? Assembler? kap 7 og 8? 7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 8.1. 8.10?
03.05.2012? Assembler? oblig 2 og kap 8? 8.2, 8.3, 8.7, 8.12 og oblig 2?
08.05.2012Glenn Terje Lines? CAML? Analysis of the Diffusion Equation ? Chapter 8 quiz?
10.05.2012? Assembler? kap 8 og oblig 2? 8.4, 8.5, 8.8, 8.9?
15.05.2012Glenn Terje Lines ? CAML? Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems? Slides for Chapter 9

Chapter 8 quiz2?

22.05.2012Marie Rognes? CAML? Repetisjon av kap. 1-4? Send gjerne inn sp?rsm?l i forkant av forelesningen.?
24.05.2012? Assembler? kap 9? 9.1, 9.2?
29.05.2012Glenn Terje Lines ? CAML? Repetisjon av kap. 5-9? Send gjerne inn sp?rsm?l i forkant av forelesningen. Det er siste forelesning.?
Published Jan. 24, 2012 2:51 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 3:59 PM