
Publisert 12. juni 2018 21:55

The oral exam will be in Java OJD 2423.

It is located at the northern end of the 3rd floor of OJD.

See you tomorrow.


Publisert 11. juni 2018 13:32

Oral Exam June 13th - place to be announced (somewhere in OJD).

PLEASE SHOW UP at least one half hour before - you *may* be called in up to 30 minutes BEFORE your time slot!

10.30  Birashanthan Tharmakulasingam (birashat)
14.30  Erik Bugge (erikbu)
09.30  Fridtjof Nystr?m (fridtjon)
11.00  Johannes A. Berg (johanabe)
12.00  Mikkel Marensius Bakken (mikkelmb)
15.00  Rodrigo Manuel de Mansilha Flaminio Ribeiro (rodrigmd)
11.30  Thomas Kristiansen (thomkri)
10.00  Tin Anh Nguyen (tinng)
14.00  Tomas Ritter (tomasri)

Publisert 7. juni 2018 09:33

Enter your time slot preferences in the INF5510-V18-doodle. You can answer Yes, No, If need be by repeatedly clicking on a choice.

You should answer by Friday morning 09:30 local Oslo time.



Publisert 4. juni 2018 11:14

The review session for INF5510 Exam will be June 6th 2018 at 16:15 in OJD: M?terom OMS (9460).

After the meeting, I will provide a refreshment.




Publisert 2. juni 2018 10:55

    As promised here is a Doodle link for the review session next week

I will close the poll Monday the 4th of June 2018 at 11am.

You can answer YES, NO or IF NEED BE - just click several times to toogle thru the choices.

Sincerely, Eric


Publisert 27. mai 2018 22:20

The oral exam questions have now been uploaded.



Publisert 22. mai 2018 17:22

Devilry has been opened for Oblig4-HE2


Publisert 12. mai 2018 13:34

Next lecture is May 23rd, 2018 10:15-12 and will be about Garbage Collection.



Publisert 12. mai 2018 13:32

Oral Exam dates 13th and 14th of June, 2018

When we get closer, I will ask you for preferences regarding the two dates and what time of day you prefer.

The exam questions will be published soon.



Publisert 11. mai 2018 19:08

Dear students,

To gently nudge you towards slightly more structured reporting about your code, here is a guideline that I had originally written for another course, but applies almost directly to INF5510 as well:

Please be a bit judicious about which sections you end up including in your reports. The assignments in INF5510 are quite well-defined.

There is also a sample report for a toy Tic-Tac-Toe game in C#. That programming assignment was not as well-defined as is usually the case in INF5510.

The main point is that your report is supposed to provide the overview that your code alone cannot provide.


Publisert 3. mai 2018 11:14

Oblig 4 (HE2) has been published.

It is a mandatory assignment that will be evaluated in connection with the oral exam where it will contribute to the final grade along with Oblig 3 (HE1) and your answers to the question that you will draw at the oral exam.

Previously, it was termed "Home Exam 2" but, for legal reasons, it has been renamed Oblig 4 (HE2).



Publisert 3. mai 2018 11:06

The admin at IFI has found that, technically, the legal basis for callng two of the INF5510 assignments for "Home Exam" is not in place :-(

HE1 and HE2 will be evaluated at the oral exam.
The grade given at  the oral exam will be given based on 
the evaluation on HE1 and HE2 and your answers to the questions at the
oral exam.
The three parts will have approximately equal weight.

In practice, there is little change - you still have to do the two assignments and they will still influence your final grade. Home Exam 1 has been renamed Oblig 3 (HE1) and Home Exam 2 has been renamed Oblig 4 (HE2).



Publisert 3. mai 2018 09:29

Dear students,

The plan for today's exercise session is a question and answer session, as well as to offer you some oral feedback on your work, which is currently being marked.

The next assignment will be published this week,


Publisert 28. apr. 2018 23:01
Publisert 20. apr. 2018 10:21

TODAY's lecture 20/4 is in CAML 3438

10.15- 16


Publisert 18. apr. 2018 18:49

Dear students,

I have gone through the nodes available at our site again, and here is an updated list of nodes currently available within a ~3s timeout from IFI/UiO:

  •, Sweden
  •, Czech Republic
  •, United States
  •, Italy
  •, United States
  •, Switzerland
  •, Czech Republic
  •, Poland
  •, Italy
  •, Czech Republic
  •, France
  •, France
  •, Israel

Unfortunately, this list is not very long, but I hope this helps you find some nodes having at least 50km in between.

P.S. I have noted down how I gauged this, and provided some helper scripts here: ...

Publisert 17. apr. 2018 16:31

Dear students,

There will be an exercise session on Thursday, at 10:15, at Perl.

See you there, 

Publisert 12. apr. 2018 20:51

Due to sickness, I will not be able to give the lectures tomorrow :-(

I will therefore postpone them one week, so they will start April 20th, 2018 at 10.15 instead.



Publisert 24. mars 2018 08:45

The text for Home Exam 1 has been uploaded as have the pictures from the presentation of Secure Hashing and the Exam.


Publisert 21. mars 2018 22:41

Dear students,

Home Exam 1 is available here.

Eric and Oleks

Publisert 19. mars 2018 17:55

Devilry for Oblig2 opened.

Deadline is tomorrow.

Publisert 12. mars 2018 22:59

Dear students,

I am making my way through your submissions, but it is taking a little bit longer than expected.

Some of you will receive feedback tomorrow, but my new estimate to have gone through all of them is Wednesday, March 14.


Publisert 8. mars 2018 17:05

You might have noticed that there are a whopping 374 machines in the diku_inf5510 slice on PlanetLab. Unfortunately, running through the list, I could only log in into 36 of them (with a timeout of 5 seconds from IFI), and 3 of those did not allow "arbitrary" outgoing traffic, and so are not great either.

Overall, here are the 33/374 machines where I think you should be able to install Emerald, and run your experiments (along with their location according to the GeoLite Country dataset from MAXMIND):

  • iraplab1.iralab.uni...
Publisert 8. mars 2018 11:25

Work-around for call-by-visit published on Piazza.
