Create a meeting or event in the Apple Calendar

This tutorial shows how to create a meeting and book a room, or create other events in your calendar. You'll also learn how to set which of several calendars you want to be the preferred calendar for new events.

Create an event in Calendar

Double-click on the desired date for the start of the event. In the box that pops up, you can give the activity a suitable name in the New Event field and enter the location where the event will take place in the the field Add Location. By default, the events are set to last one hour  Click on the line for the events time period to change the start or end time:

Calendar: Opprett aktivitet

All day event

If the event you create will last all day, then enable the option all-day. Default is one day, but this may be changed by setting a later end date. Note that in case of all day activities, you will be notified one day in advance.

Calendar - Opprett en heldagsaktivitet

Create a repeating event

If the event will take place at the same time several times, you have the option to set the event to be repeated every day, every week, every year or a time interval of your own choice (Custom...)

Calendar: Repeterende aktivitet

Alerts and travel time

In Calendar, you can add travel time (travel time) and notification (alert). For traveling, you may set the period preceding the activity from 5 minutes to 2 hours, while the notification time may be set from when the event starts and up to two days prior to the event.

Calendar: Legg til reisetid til aktiviteten

How the event appears to others

You can set that you are Busy, Free, Tentative, or Out of Office. In addition, you can select whether the activity shall be set as Private.

Calendar: Hvordan aktiviteten vises for andre

Add invitees and meeting room

When you enter an event in the calendar, you can invite attendees by clicking on the field  Add Invitees. This is done simply by starting to type the person's name. Apple Calendar will then try to complete the name by searching in Exchange's Global Address List and in your local address book in Contacts.

M?teinnkallelse: Opptatt, ledig og ikke i gruppekalenderen

Attendees you want to invite, are listed with a small icon in front of them. In the example, the first person has the icon for being busy at the proposed time, the second person is not part of the University of Oslo's calendar system and the third person is available at the proposed time. You may now click Check Availability ... to find a time when all invitees are available.

Vis tilgjengelighet for deltakere i m?tet

In this example, all three wanted participants are available the first hour after the proposed time.  Then you may click on the available time field, and the  meeting time changes in the calendar. You can also simply click the button Next Available Time. End the Check Availability session by clicking the Done button. When you send your meeting invitation, invitees will receive an e-mail and the meeting will appear in their calendar.

Booking a meeting room

Please note that to book a room, you need to invite the room the same way you invite persons. You'll need to know the name of the room you want to book. When you start typing the room name, your calendar will look it up in the address book, the same way it does for persons.

Add comment or attachment to an event

Calendar: Legge til kommentar eller vedlegg til aktivitet

Preferred calendar

Calendar can have multiple calendars, both work-related and private. You may also connect the calendar to services such as Google Calendar and Facebook. You should set one of your work-related calendars as your preferred calendar when creating new events:

Calendar: Sett hvilken kalender som er din foretrukne

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Published Feb. 25, 2014 12:56 PM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2023 9:23 AM