Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Course presentation? Brief review of course, and administration of accounts etc. Will only be 45 minutes. PPT PDF?
20.01.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Brief overview of the course: From parameters to the CMB spectrum? Power point lecture; no need to take notes. Read chapter 1 of Dodelson for useful background information. PPT PDF?
25.01.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Review of the project? A walkthrough of the project will be given, pointing out what your main tasks will be. Also, we will show how to use Mercurial. Slides PDF ?
27.01.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Rom 303? Mercurial and coding infrastructure? ?
01.02.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? A very quick introduction to GR? Chapter 2.1 in Dodelson; tensors, metrics, the geodesic equation, the Einstein equations?
03.02.2010David Mota? Peisestua? More on GR? Chapter 2.2-2.4 in Dodelson; distances in the universe, conformal time; the cosmic inventory. 45 minutes only?
08.02.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Numerical solution of differential equations; The Einstein tensor for the FRW metric? The example "sin(x)" program shown during the lecture is available at ~hke/AST5220/v11/src/diffeqn_test1 from any astro computer?
10.02.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? A first introduction to Boltzmann equations? Chapter 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4. ?
15.02.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? No lecture (travel)? ?
17.02.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? No lecture (travel)? ?
22.02.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Recombination? Section 3.3 in Dodelson. The Saha and Peebles equations. Slides in pdf and ppt?
24.02.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 1? Deadline for first milestone of project: The uniform background cosmology. Description?
23.02.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Boltzmann equations? Chapter 4.1-4.3: Harmonic oscillator, linearization and Compton scattering?
01.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? ? ? ?
03.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Boltzmann equations for photons? Chapter 4.4, Lecture notes?
08.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
10.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Boltzmann equations for baryons and CDM? Chapter 4.5-4.6?
15.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
17.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Linearized Einstein equations? Chapter 5.1-5.2?
22.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 2? Deadline for second milestone of project: The recombination history of the universe. Description?
24.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Einstein equations and tensor perturbations? Chapter 5.3-5.5?
29.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Initial conditions and Boltzmann equations? Chapter 6.1-6.2?
31.03.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
05.04.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Inflation? Section 6.3?
07.04.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
12.04.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Inflation and tensor perturbations? Section 6.4.?
14.04.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 3? Deadline for third milestone of project: Solving the perturbed Einstein and Boltzmann equations. Description?
28.04.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
03.05.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Inflation and scalar perturbations? ?
05.05.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? CMB anisotropies? Chapter 8.1-8.4?
10.05.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? ? ? ?
12.05.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Reionization? Cancelled because of external lecture?
19.05.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
24.05.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Recombination with helium? ?
26.05.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
31.05.2011Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 4? Deadline for fourth milestone of project: The CMB power spectrum Description?
Publisert 17. jan. 2011 15:30 - Sist endret 14. apr. 2011 00:46