Weekly plans and update for week 46
Good morning everybody!
Here's a short update, with plans for this week and the final two ones.
Last week we started with ordinary differential equations and derived the Velocity Verlet algorithm. We continue this week with the Runge-Kutta family of methods and derive the most famous one, the RK4 method and discuss also adaptive ODE methods. We will thereafter move over to partial differential equations (PDEs) with the diffusion equation first on Friday. We continue with PDEs next week as well, before we wrap up our course during the last week. Project 5 is also out, there are presently 7 variants! The variant based on the Ising model for modeling of elections is not yet ready. Furthermore, there will be an additional project on PDEs (thanks to Hilmar). These two will be posted over the weekend.
The deadline for project 5 is set to December 15. Unfortunately we cannot extend the deadline beyond that, mainly due to grading deadlines at UiO (three weeks at most after the last deadline/or exam date).
Exceptions are obviously in case of illness or similar accepted reasons.
Best wishes to you all,
the fys3150/4150 gang.