Yannick Lew, which has contributed to INF5120 previous years, will be available between 1600 and 1630 during the exam, to clarify if there is any ambiguity in the exam text.
I've uploaded a proposed solution to the WebRatio / IFML part of oblig 3. It is under assignments.
I've added the 2015 exam to the “previous exams” resource. Arne J. Berre will present a suggested solution to this exam next lecture.
I've created and published a screencast which demonstrates how to use the biocaching API for the oblig 3. It is the same demonstration held in the exercise hour of the lecture on april 18th. It is published under resources -> assignments.
Oblig 3 is published under resources -> assignments. For the WebRatio part you will need a username and password for the API:
u: p: uio12345
u: p: uio12345
u: p: uio12345
GroupX (that is, X in [1..9])
u: p: uio12345
The second mandatory assignment is now published under resources -> assignments. There are two parts, part one is individual and part two is to be solved by the your group from oblig 1.
Hi all! The text for the first assignment has been slightly updated. You'll find the updated text under Resources -> Assignments -> INF5120-Oblig1-2016-update.pdf
The MS Word version of the Use Case Template has been published to:
Resources -> Assignments
We will connect to the webinar directly after the lectures today (at 1700)
Monday February 15th, 1700-1800, 2016
Webinar: "How To Validate Business Ideas"
Strategyzer co-founder Alex Osterwalder will explain how your team can go from business idea to validated business case in just 8-12 weeks.
We've uploaded three books to the course resource page. You need to be signed in with your UiO credentials (you'll find the login url on the bottom right of the UiO pages) to access the books. The books are published in the Resources - Books folder.
The slides from the lectures is now published. You'll find them in the schedule.