If you have any last minute questions about concepts, theories and/or other stuff relating to the content of the texts we have been reading or if you want extended feedback on your essays, I’ll have my door open for ‘office hours’ on Thursday from 10-12 (phone’s open as well (# 40643)).
The time schedule for the oral exam is now available. The exam takes places on Tuesday, June 12th, in Room 3D (the Informatikk building). Please show up 15 min. before your scheduled time and remember to bring valid ID. For more info see INF5200.
This is a reminder about the joint lecture with TOOL (tomorrow, June 5th). I ask those of you who still haven’t paid notice to sign up for a presentation. The lecture starts at 12:00, Visningsrummet. It’s a great opportunity for preparing for the oral exam next Tuesday. In this same turn I remind you to read the INF5200 syllabus once more. It’s important that you are well wandered in the CSCW literature we have been reading.
Office hours on May 24th are cancled due to the seminar at AHO. Instead the office hours take place on Friday 25th from 9-13.
REMINDER: Your essays are due June 1st at 2PM (the latest). You can either e-mail your essays (attached as a pdf-file) to me or hand in a hard copy at my office. Lykke til!
Meet IxD and Jane Fulton Suri... You are invited to attend a seminar on digital design and user research - how design contributes to the innovation of digital products and services.
The seminar takes place on May 24th from 08.45 to 12.00 at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design AHO. For full programme see "Hva skjer?" on AHOs homepage. There's no fee for attending the seminar.
Remember that there's no lecture on March 27th. Read the two listed articles anyway (see the 'undervisningsplan'), we'll discuss them Tuesday April 3th.
Salmer fra Kj?kkenet (Kitchen Stories) is playing at Cinema Neuf on March 15th. INF5200 invites you to kurs-pizza before the movie.
If you have any questions about the course, please fell free to send an e-mail, come by my office at 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken (room # 4361) or call (phone 40643)
Emnet undervises i Visningsrommet, InterMedia, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken II.