Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
20.01.2009 | Sisse og Tone? | Visningsrommet? | Introduction to the course? | ? |
27.01.2009 | Sisse? | 208, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken (behind the Visningsrommet)? | Introduction to CSCW? | Mandatory: Ellis et al. (1991)Grudin (1994)? |
03.02.2009 | Sisse? | Visningsrommet? | Method - the study of work.? | Mandatory: Blomberg et. al. (1993)Brown et al. (2007)Additionals: Forsythe (1991)Bentley et al. (1992)? |
10.02.2009 | Guest lecture Kathrine Amundsen Nyg?rd, InterMedia (Sisse)? | Visningsrommet? | Cultural Historical Activity Theory.? | Mandatory: Engestr?m (2001)Kaptelinin & Nardi (2006)Additionals: Kuutti (1991) Bardram (1998)? |
17.02.2009 | ? | ? | There's no lecture? | Work on your assignments? |
24.02.2009 | Guest lecture Miria Grisot, Ifi (Sisse)? | Joint lecture with INF5010 in Room 208, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken - at hour: 10:15-12:00? | Actor-Network Theory (ANT)? | Mandatory: Berg (1997)Aarnestad (2003)Additional:Hanseth & Monteiro (1997)Turn in a first draft of your essay. 2 pages by e-mail to Joshi: dibyadhj@ifi.uio.no? |
03.03.2009 | Sisse? | Visningsrommet? | What is cooperative work? Strauss' theory of articulation work, social worlds? | Mandatory: Schmidt & Bannon (1992)Fitzpactric et al. (1995)Gasser (1986)Presentation by: J?rgen "Taking CSCW", Schmidt & BannonDiscussion question: Eduard? |
10.03.2009 | Sisse? | Visningsrummet? | Structuration Theory? | Mandatory readings: Orlikowski (1992)DeSanctis et al. (1994)Additionals: Dreiem (1998)Giddens (1984)Presentation by: Irena "The duality", OrlikowskiDiscussion question: Kelly? |
17.03.2009 | Sisse? | Visningsrummet? | From desktop to mobility + Mobility/globalization? |
24.03.2009 | Sisse? | Visningsrummet? | Coordination mechanisms and workflow systems in and for CSCW? | Mandatory: Bowers et al. (1995)Carstensen & S?rensen (1996)Presentation by: Aga "Workflow from..", Bowers et al.Discussion question: PraveenaNo presentation of "From the social", Carstensen & S?rensenDiscussion question: H?kon? |
31.03.2009 | Tone? | Visningsrummet? | CSCW in organizational contexts: organization and management? | Mandatory: Ciborra (1996)Perin (1991)Herbsleb et al. (2000)Midterm: Turn in a second draft of your essay (5-10 pages) by e-mail to Joshi.Presentation by: Maria "Electronic social", PerinDiscussion question: PoulPresentation by: Afsaneh "Introduction", CiborraDiscussion question: Farah? |
07.04.2009 | ? | ? | There's no lecture...? | Easter holiday? |
14.04.2009 | ? | ? | There's no lecture...? | Work on you assignments? |
21.04.2009 | Tone? | Visningsrummet? | CSCW in work contexts? | Mandatory: Bowers & Martin (1999)Clement & Wagner (1995)Presentation by: Eduard "Informing", Bowers & MartinDiscussion question: JosèPresentation by: Farah "Fragmented", Clement & WagnerDiscussion question: Asad? |
28.04.2009 | Tone? | Visningsrummet? | Implementation - CSCW? | Mandatory: Bowers (1994)Orlikowski (1992)Grudin & Palen (1995)Presentation by: H?kon "Why Groupware Succeeds"Discussion question: MariaPresentation by: Josè "Learning from Notes"? |
05.05.2009 | Tone? | Visningsrummet? | Design of CSCW ? | Mandatory: Grudin (1994b)Robinson (1993)Kyng (2000)Grinter (1997)Additionals: Cohen et al. (2000)O'Day et al. (2001)Presentation by: Asad "Groupware", GrudinDiscussion question: ErnadPresentation by: Ernad "Design", RobinsonDiscussion question: AfsanemPresentation by: Praveena "Designing", KyngDiscussion question: J?rgen? |
12.05.2009 | Guest lecture: Kjeld Schmidt? | Visningsrummet? | CSCW? | ? |
15.05.2009 | ? | ? | ? | Turn in your final assignments at 2PM. The submitted assignemts are not to exceed 15 pages, including table of content and biography (excl. appendix) + they should be set in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. The essays have to be approved before you can attend the exam. Mail you assignments to Tone, Sisse, Joshi.? |
19.05.2009 | Sisse og Tone? | Visningsrommet? | ? | Presentation of your projects (assignments)? |
26.05.2009 | Sisse og Tone? | Visningsrummet? | ? | Sum up. Preparing for the exam.? |
04.06.2009 | ? | Visningsrommet? | ? | Oral exam. Letter-grade system (A - F)(bokstavkarakter)? |
Published Dec. 16, 2008 2:39 PM
- Last modified May 26, 2009 5:50 PM