
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
20.01.2009Sisse og Tone? Visningsrommet? Introduction to the course? ?
27.01.2009Sisse? 208, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken (behind the Visningsrommet)? Introduction to CSCW? Mandatory: Ellis et al. (1991)

Grudin (1994)?

03.02.2009Sisse? Visningsrommet? Method - the study of work.? Mandatory: Blomberg et. al. (1993)

Brown et al. (2007)

Additionals: Forsythe (1991)

Bentley et al. (1992)?

10.02.2009Guest lecture Kathrine Amundsen Nyg?rd, InterMedia (Sisse)? Visningsrommet? Cultural Historical Activity Theory.? Mandatory: Engestr?m (2001)

Kaptelinin & Nardi (2006)

Additionals: Kuutti (1991)

Bardram (1998)?

17.02.2009? ? There's no lecture? Work on your assignments?
24.02.2009Guest lecture Miria Grisot, Ifi (Sisse)? Joint lecture with INF5010 in Room 208, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken - at hour: 10:15-12:00? Actor-Network Theory (ANT)? Mandatory: Berg (1997)

Aarnestad (2003)

Additional:Hanseth & Monteiro (1997)

Turn in a first draft of your essay. 2 pages by e-mail to Joshi: dibyadhj@ifi.uio.no?

03.03.2009Sisse? Visningsrommet? What is cooperative work? Strauss' theory of articulation work, social worlds? Mandatory: Schmidt & Bannon (1992)

Fitzpactric et al. (1995)

Gasser (1986)

Presentation by: J?rgen "Taking CSCW", Schmidt & Bannon

Discussion question: Eduard?

10.03.2009Sisse? Visningsrummet? Structuration Theory? Mandatory readings: Orlikowski (1992)

DeSanctis et al. (1994)

Additionals: Dreiem (1998)

Giddens (1984)

Presentation by: Irena "The duality", Orlikowski

Discussion question: Kelly?

17.03.2009Sisse? Visningsrummet? From desktop to mobility + Mobility/globalization?
  • Midterm evaluation

Mandatory: Belotti & Bly (1996)

Luff & Heath (1998)

Kristoffersen & Ljungberg (1999)

?Additionals: Grinter et al. (2002)

Grinter & Eldridge (2003)

Hindmarsh et al. (2002)

Taylor & Harper (2002)

Presentation by: Poul "Walking away..", Belotti & Bly

Discussion question: Irena

Presentation by: Kelly "Mobility", Luff & Heat

Discussion question: Sisse?

24.03.2009Sisse? Visningsrummet? Coordination mechanisms and workflow systems in and for CSCW? Mandatory: Bowers et al. (1995)

Carstensen & S?rensen (1996)

Presentation by: Aga "Workflow from..", Bowers et al.

Discussion question: Praveena

No presentation of "From the social", Carstensen & S?rensen

Discussion question: H?kon?

31.03.2009Tone? Visningsrummet? CSCW in organizational contexts: organization and management? Mandatory: Ciborra (1996)

Perin (1991)

Herbsleb et al. (2000)

Midterm: Turn in a second draft of your essay (5-10 pages) by e-mail to Joshi.

Presentation by: Maria "Electronic social", Perin

Discussion question: Poul

Presentation by: Afsaneh "Introduction", Ciborra

Discussion question: Farah?

07.04.2009? ? There's no lecture...? Easter holiday?
14.04.2009? ? There's no lecture...? Work on you assignments?
21.04.2009Tone? Visningsrummet? CSCW in work contexts? Mandatory: Bowers & Martin (1999)

Clement & Wagner (1995)

Presentation by: Eduard "Informing", Bowers & Martin

Discussion question: Josè

Presentation by: Farah "Fragmented", Clement & Wagner

Discussion question: Asad?

28.04.2009Tone? Visningsrummet? Implementation - CSCW? Mandatory: Bowers (1994)

Orlikowski (1992)

Grudin & Palen (1995)

Presentation by: H?kon "Why Groupware Succeeds"

Discussion question: Maria

Presentation by: Josè "Learning from Notes"


05.05.2009Tone? Visningsrummet? Design of CSCW ? Mandatory: Grudin (1994b)

Robinson (1993)

Kyng (2000)

Grinter (1997)

Additionals: Cohen et al. (2000)

O'Day et al. (2001)

Presentation by: Asad "Groupware", Grudin

Discussion question: Ernad

Presentation by: Ernad "Design", Robinson

Discussion question: Afsanem

Presentation by: Praveena "Designing", Kyng

Discussion question: J?rgen?

12.05.2009Guest lecture: Kjeld Schmidt? Visningsrummet? CSCW? ?
15.05.2009? ? ? Turn in your final assignments at 2PM. The submitted assignemts are not to exceed 15 pages, including table of content and biography (excl. appendix) + they should be set in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. The essays have to be approved before you can attend the exam. Mail you assignments to Tone, Sisse, Joshi.?
19.05.2009Sisse og Tone? Visningsrommet? ? Presentation of your projects (assignments)?
26.05.2009Sisse og Tone? Visningsrummet? ? Sum up. Preparing for the exam.?
04.06.2009? Visningsrommet? ? Oral exam. Letter-grade system (A - F)(bokstavkarakter)?
Published Dec. 16, 2008 2:39 PM - Last modified May 26, 2009 5:50 PM