March 16th FUI arranges a …
March 16th FUI arranges a course in LaTeX for beginners. This course is from 16:00 to 18:00. This course is highly recommended if you wish to learn basic LaTeX, and is therefor relevant for you. For those of you already familiar with the basics, a course is also held for advanced LaTeX users. This is held at march 23. from 16:00 to 18:00. The lecturer for both courses is Dag Langmyhr, which is one of the best in Norway in LaTeX. Both lectures is at smalltalk, and more information can be found on Facebook by searching for "LaTeX for nybegynnere" and "LaTeX for viderekomne", I also think more information will be available at
Publisert 28. feb. 2011 22:09
- Sist endret 9. juni 2011 15:36