Exercises for Wed 22 October
1. Today Wed 15 October I went through the first half of Ch 7, including method of moments, method of quantiles, a bit of maximum likelihood. I continues with these themes next week. We did not manage to get through all exercises, but this will be partly accounted for next week, and the planned "extra hour of exercises" two Wed 29 October.
2. Note that "Exercises and Lectures Notes" (version A) are now available at this course site. Exercises for Wed 22 October: First, #3 and #10 from this extra set. Next, do Exercise 7.2, with cuckoo egg sizes data from 7.10, and use a suitable computer programme to fit the gamma(a,b) density (with mean a/b and variance a/b^2), using (a) maximum likelihood, (b) method of moments, and (c) method of quantiles, using the 0.2 and 0.8 quantiles. Plot the three fitted gamma densities in a diagram, and comment. Furthermore, from Ch 7: 6, 7, 9.