exercises for October 22
1. Wed October 14 was a "theory day", where we went through various basic issues regarding first the time-discrete and then the time-continuous Beta processes, with priors, posteriors, etc.
Note that *exam dates* are now determined; check the relevant message concerning this, with a bit more details to follow soon.
2. Wed October 21 will be "practical day", where we go through several exercises.
(a) Do Nils Exercise 28, concerning lifelengths for brave Roman Era Egyptian men and women, a century B.C. Use Beta processes, with prior mean function A_0(t) corresponding to a Gamma distribution with mean 30.00 and standard deviation 20.00, and take prior certainty function c(s) = 10/\sqrt(1 + s), on the time scale of years. Draw sim = 100 curves from the posterior processes the cumulative hazard functions A(t), for men and for women, and for the survival functions S(t), for men and for women. Invent your quantity to examine, to address the question of whether women had a harder time then men, for the age span 15 to 35.
(b) Then go to the stk 9190 Exam Project for 2018, and do exercises 2, then 1, then 3.