MF9510 Logistic regression, survival analysis and Cox-regression October 19.-22. 2009


Freddie Bray, PhD, Cancer Registry of Norway.
Førsteamanuensis Tron Anders Moger, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics and Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO
Hein Stigum, PhD, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Bjarte Aagnes, Advisor (Data manager), Cancer Registry of Norway.
Professor Odd O. Aalen, Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO (Responsible for the course)

Course programme:

DM – Domus Medica
DO – Domus Odontologica

Monday October 19:
08.30-08.45: Registration  - outside Lille Auditorium, DM
08.45-10.15: Basic designs and concepts of epidemiological studies - Seminar room 1128, DM - Stigum
10.30-11.25: Exercises - Seminar room 1128, DM - Stigum
11.35-12.00: Discussion of exercises - Seminar room 1128, DM - Stigum
12.00-12.45: Lunch break
12.45-15.45: Introduction to Stata - PC-room 2nd floor DM - Stigum

Tuesday October 20:
08.30-09.30: Introduction to the analysis of proportions from follow-up and case-control studies - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Moger
09.45-10.30: Exercises with Stata - PC-room 2nd floor DM - Moger
10.45-11.30: Logistic regression - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Moger
11.30-12.15: Lunch break
12.15-13.00: Logistic regression - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Moger
13.15-14.15: Exercises with Stata - PC-room 2nd floor DM - Moger
14.30-14.45: Discussion of exercises - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Moger
14.45-15.30: Logistic regression cont. (incl. conditional logistic regression) - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Moger

Wednesday October 21:
08.30-10.30: Survival analysis: An introduction - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Aalen
10.45-12.15: Introduction to rates and incidence, with illustrations from cancer - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Bray
12.15-13.00: Lunch break
13.00-15.00: Survival analysis/ Cox regression - Seminar room A1-1004, DO - Aalen

Thursday October 22:
08.30-10.15: Exercises with Stata - PC-room 2nd floor DM - Moger, Aagnes, Aalen
10.30-11.30: Cox regression continued - Nye auditorium 13, DM - Aalen
11.30-12.15: Lunch break
12.15-13.15: Exercises with Stata - PC-room 2nd floor DM - Aalen, Aagnes
13.30-14.30: Further aspects of survival and event history analysis - Nye auditorium 13, DM - Aalen
14.45-15.15: Overview of the course themes. Closure - Nye auditorium 13, DM - Aalen