ANTH4010 – Advanced Anthropological Theory (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4020 – Academic Writing and Project Development (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4030 – Advanced Anthropological Methods (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4090 – Master's thesis (30 studiepoeng) |
30 |
ANTH4091 – Writing Ethnography (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4092 – Master's Thesis (30 studiepoeng) |
30 |
ANTH4100 – Core Themes in Contemporary Anthropology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4115 – Advanced Anthropological Theory (15 studiepoeng) |
15 |
ANTH4125 – Advanced Anthropological Methods and Project Development (15 studiepoeng) |
15 |
ANTH4150 – Ethnography, in practice (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4200 – Fieldwork (30 studiepoeng) |
30 |
ANTH4210 – Ethnographic Fieldwork (30 studiepoeng) |
30 |
ANTH4610 – Work, Capital, and Business (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4620 – Finance, Markets, and Resources (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4710 – Internship (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4720 – Searching ethnographic form: About the boundaries of writing about the boundaries of our world (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ANTH4730 – Critical Readings in Visual Anthropology: Ethnography, Theory, and Experimentation (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON1910 – Poverty and Distribution in Developing Countries (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON1922 – Environmental economics and climate policy (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON2951 – Economic History and Inequality (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3120 – Mathematics 2: Calculus and Linear Algebra (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3150 – Introductory Econometrics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3170 – Data science for economists (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3220 – Microeconomics 3 (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3620 – Public Economics - Taxation (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3715 – Labour Economics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3810 – Incentives and motivation (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON3820 – Strategic Competition (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4120 – Mathematics 2: Calculus and Linear Algebra (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4137 – Applied Micro Econometrics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4140 – Mathematics 3: Differential Equations, Static and Dynamic Optimization (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4150 – Introductory Econometrics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4160 – Econometrics - Modeling and Systems Estimation (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4165 – Applied time series analysis: econometrics and machine learning (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4170 – Data science for economists (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4220 – Microeconomics 3 (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4245 – Corporate Governance and Sustainability (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4260 – Behavioral Economics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4310 – Macroeconomic Theory (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4325 – Monetary Policy (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4330 – International Macroeconomics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4335 – The Economics of Banking (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4351 – Economic Growth (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4415 – International Trade (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4510 – Finance Theory (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4620 – Public Economics - Taxation (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4624 – Public Economics - Public Policy (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4640 – Political Economics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4715 – Labor Economics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4820 – Strategic Competition (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4830 – Economics dynamics and Uncertainty (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4910 – Environmental Economics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4915 – Development Economics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4921 – Institutions and Economic Systems (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4925 – Resource Economics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON4951 – Economic History and Inequality (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
ECON5106 – Advanced Applied Econometrics (15 studiepoeng) |
15 |
ECON5200 – Advanced Microeconomics (15 studiepoeng) |
15 |
ECON5300 – Advanced Macroeconomic Theory (15 studiepoeng) |
15 |
ECON9030 – Research Seminar in Economics (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
ECON9050 – PhD Workshop: Mid-term evaluation (0 studiepoeng) |
0 |
ECON9104 – Topics in Econometrics (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
ECON9104C – Topics in Econometrics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9106B – Advanced Applied Econometrics (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
ECON9200B – Advanced Microeconomics (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
ECON9203 – Topics in Microeconomic Theory (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9260 – Topics in Behavioural Economics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9300B – Advanced Macroeconomic Theory (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
ECON9306 – Topics in Macroeconomic Growth and Development (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9310B – Topics in Macroeconomics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9311 – Macroeconomic Topics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9312 – Macroeconomic Topics: Heterogeneity (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9316 – Topics in productivity, technology diffusion and firm dynamics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9401 – Quantitative Research in International Trade (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9410 – Topics in International Economics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9620 – Topics in public economics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9715 – Topics in Labour Economics (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
ECON9715B – Topics in Labour Economics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9826 – Topics in Industrial Economics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9912C – Topics in Environmental and Resource Economics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ECON9915A – Topics in Development and Political Economics (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
ENERGI9010 – Sustainable Energy Systems (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
ENERGI9020 – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Solar Energy (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
HGO4010 – Qualitative method (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4011 – Philosophy and methodology of human geography (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4020 – HGO Internship (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4040 – Individual reading list (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4080 – Master Thesis 30 Credits (30 studiepoeng) |
30 |
HGO4090 – Master Thesis 60 Credits (60 studiepoeng) |
60 |
HGO4201 – Urban geographical theory (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4202 – Urbanism - urban policies and planning (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4203 – Sustainable Urban Transformations (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4301 – The Social Dimensions of Environmental Change (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4302 – Transformations to sustainability (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4401 – Democratization and civil society in developing countries (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4501 – Development (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4601 – Economic geography: Institutions, evolution and sustainability transitions (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4604 – The futures of work (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4605 – Transformations in the global economy: value chains and production networks (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4940 – Advanced Geographic Information Systems (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
HGO4941 – Advanced Spatial Data Analysis (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
OSS9101 – Nordic civil society – a model for the world? (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
OSS9103 – Addressing the Climate Emergency through Education (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
OSS9104 – The Ethics and Politics of Care (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
OSS9105 – Democratization and Autocratization in a Comparative Perspective (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
OSS9106 – Global Urban Policy Mobilities (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
OSS9108 – Controversy mapping and computational anthropology: digital methods between the qualitative-quantitative divide (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
PECOS4006 – Internship (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PECOS4010 – Conflict and state building (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PECOS4022 – Applied Statistics for Peace and Conflict Studies (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PECOS4025 – Analytic perspectives on peace and conflict (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PECOS4094 – Master's Thesis (30 studiepoeng) |
30 |
PECOS4096 – Master's Thesis (45 studiepoeng) |
45 |
PECOS4111 – Conflict and Cooperation (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY1200 – Introduction to developmental psychology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY1300 – Kognitiv psykologi (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2105 – Hands-on science in psychology: Evaluating publications and conducting a research project (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2205 – Biopsychosocial development (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2206 – Cognition, emotion and language (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2208 – Mental Health and Wellbeing (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2209 – Behaviour Genetics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2405 – Innf?ring i arbeidspsykologi (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2407 – Introduction to Personnel Psychology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2503 – Kultur- og samfunnspsykologi (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2506 – Green Mediation: Conflict, Collaboration, and Change Towards a Sustainable Future (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2507 – Klima-, milj?- og ?kopsykologi (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY2507B – Klima-, milj?- og ?kopsykologi (B?rekraftsertifikatet) (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY3094 – Bacheloroppgave i organisasjonspsykologi (20 studiepoeng) |
20 |
PSY4020 – Applied quantitative research methodology (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4090 – Masteroppgave i psykologi (60 studiepoeng) |
60 |
PSY4092 – Master thesis in Psychology (60 studiepoeng) |
60 |
PSY4110 – Applied Qualitative Methods (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4111 – Applied Social Psychology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4115 – Current Topics in Social Psychology (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4130 – Promoting Change through Social Psychology (15 studiepoeng) |
15 |
PSY4204 – Hands-on training in emotional and cognitive development (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4206 – Language Acquisition (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4301B – Judgment and Decision Making and Social Cognition (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4303B – Vision and the Brain (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4307 – Fundamentals of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4308 – Trends in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience 1 (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4309 – Trends in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience 2 (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4310 – Research methods in cognitive neuroscience Part I (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4311 – Peer reviewing and open science practices (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4312 – Cognitive Control in Action (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4313 – Music Cognition (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4314 – Research communication in cognitive neuroscience (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4316 – Visual curiosity and Learning (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4317 – Hemispheric asymmetry and cognition (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4318 – Multidisciplinary Studies of Consciousness (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4320 – Research methods in cognitive neuroscience Part II (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4340 – Internship (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4401B – Project development: Master thesis in work and organizational psychology (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4405 – Ledelse, team og kommunikasjon i organisasjoner (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4420 – Selection and development (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4505 – Identitet, kultur og kritisk psykologi (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSY4506 – Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict; A community based approach (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY4521 – Project Development and Methodology (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY9140 – Introduction to structural equation modelling (2.5 studiepoeng) |
2.5 |
PSY9170 – Kvantitativ analyse I (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9175 – Kvantitativ analyse II (2 studiepoeng) |
2 |
PSY9185 – Multilevel models (2 studiepoeng) |
2 |
PSY9190 – Den kvalitative forskningsprosessen I (2 studiepoeng) |
2 |
PSY9195 – The qualitative research process II (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9250 – Qualitative Research Methodology (4 studiepoeng) |
4 |
PSY9250B – Qualitative Research Methodology (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9301A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar i utviklingspsykologi I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9301B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar i utviklingspsykologi II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9301C – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar i utviklingspsykologi III (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9302A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Kultur- og samfunnspsykologi I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9302B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Kultur- og samfunnspsykologi II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9302C – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Kultur- og samfunnspsykologi III (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9303A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Kognitiv og nevropsykologi I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9303B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Kognitiv og nevropsykologi II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9303C – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Kognitiv og nevropsykologi III (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9304A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Klinisk psykologi I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9304B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Klinisk psykologi II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9305A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Helsepsykologi I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9305B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Helsepsykologi II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9305C – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Helsepsykologi III (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9306A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Sosialpsykologi I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9306B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Sosialpsykologi II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9306C – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Sosialpsykologi III (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9307A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Personlighet, genetikk og psykisk helse I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9307B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Personlighet, genetikk og psykisk helse II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9308A – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Psykopatologi og nevrokognisjon I (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9308B – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sseminar: Psykopatologi og nevrokognisjon II (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9311 – Peer reviewing and open science best practices: case affective neuroscience (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9401A – Mental health and wellbeing (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSY9401B – Mental health and wellbeing (2 studiepoeng) |
2 |
PSY9510 – Introduction to Statistics with R (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
PSY9511 – Machine learning (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSY9550 – Statistical thinking and Bayesian Data analysis (8 studiepoeng) |
8 |
PSYC1210 – Introduction to developmental psychology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSYC1230 – Kognitiv psykologi (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSYC3511 – Helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid (3): Kultur- og samfunnspsykologiske perspektiver (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSYFL5005 – Spesialpensum (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSYFL5010 – Introduksjon til vitenskap: 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 og praksis II (15 studiepoeng) |
15 |
PSYFL5050 – 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 og publisering (60 studiepoeng) |
60 |
PSYFL5090 – Publisering av en vitenskapelig artikkel (90 studiepoeng) |
90 |
PSYFL5301 – Machine learning (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSYFL5403 – Introduction to structural equation modelling (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSYFL5404 – Multilevel models (2 studiepoeng) |
2 |
PSYFL5405 – Qualitative Research Methodology (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSYFL5406 – Den kvalitative forskningsprosessen I (2 studiepoeng) |
2 |
PSYFL5407 – The qualitative research process II (3 studiepoeng) |
3 |
PSYM4020 – Applied quantitative research methodology (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
PSYM4110 – Applied Qualitative Methods (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
PSYM4115 – Current Topics in Social Psychology (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
PSYM4130 – Promoting Change through Social Psychology (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
PSYM4301B – Judgment and Decision Making and Social Cognition (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
PSYM4506 – Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict; A community based approach (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
PSYM4800 – Internship in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society (18 studiepoeng) |
18 |
PSYM4810 – Summer School: Global Mobility and Acculturation (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSYM4811 – Summer School: Global Mobility and Acculturation (6 studiepoeng) |
6 |
PSYM4821 – Project Development and Methodology (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
PSYM4830 – Promoting Change through Social Psychology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
PSYM4890 – Master dissertation in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society (42 studiepoeng) |
42 |
SANTH4020 – Academic Writing and Project Development, transitional course (7.5 studiepoeng) |
7.5 |
SANTH4030 – The Craft of Etnography: Advanced Research Methods, transitional course (7.5 studiepoeng) |
7.5 |
SANTH4100 – Core Themes in Contemporary Anthropology, transitional course (7.5 studiepoeng) |
7.5 |
SGO1910 – Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SGO2200 – Economic globalisation and regional development (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SGO2250 – Sustainability Transitions, Innovation and Social Change (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SGO2500 – North/South Development: Energy transitions (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SGO9001 – Avhandlingsseminar: Introduksjon (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
SGO9006 – Avhandlingsseminar: Mot levering (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
SGO9050 – Avhandlingsseminar: Midtveisevaluering (0 studiepoeng) |
0 |
SGO9207 – Rethinking labour agency in a globalized world of work (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOS2402 – Family, gender equality and the welfare state (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS2500 – Kulturanalyse, diskurs og semiotikk (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS2550 – The Sociology of Small Groups & Subcultures (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS2603 – Nordic welfare society - contemporary perspectives (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS2920 – Introduction to Digital Research Methods (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS2950 – Social Science Genetics (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS4022 – Advanced Statistical Methods (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS4100 – Causes and consequences of social inequalities (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS4150 – Population Health and Health Inequalities (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS4510 – Cultural sociology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |
SOS9001 – Avhandlingsseminar: Introduksjon (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
SOS9006 – Avhandlingsseminar: Mot levering (1 studiepoeng) |
1 |
SOS9008 – Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOS9009 – Advanced statistical methods course (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOS9030 – Introduction to Social Science Genetics (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOS9032 – Peer-reviewing and getting published in international journals (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOS9033 – Multiple Correspondence Analysis (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOS9050 – Avhandlingsseminar: Midtveisevaluering (0 studiepoeng) |
0 |
SOS9236 – Contemporary Social Theory (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOS9238 – Cultural backlash and the rise of authoritarian populism (5 studiepoeng) |
5 |
SOSANT1300 – Economic Anthropology (10 studiepoeng) |
10 |