
Published May 20, 2015 1:01 PM

Despite next Wednesday not suiting everybody, nobody has expressed demand for a different review time. And nobody did show up at today's consultation hours either.

Nevertheless, here is an offer - subject to interest: I will be available tomorrow afternoon, and it looks like room 1220 is vacant; if people show up (knock my office door 1243), then we take the room and review what you think is needed. Time: 1540 (i.e. right after the Thursday research seminar) - if nobody has shown up until 1600, I'll be leaving.

Also, I will be available next Tuesday afternoon; I put up a similar offer to the Math 2 students 1415-16, so that slot is taken if any of them want it, but 12-14 and from some time after 16, I should be available.

Please e-mail any demand. If there is only one or two persons, I will only use the board in my office.

- Nils

Published May 11, 2015 7:55 PM

... will be drawn on the review lecture; if you cannot attend, please let me know how many you have. 

- Nils

Published May 11, 2015 7:54 PM

I will not be as much in office as one could hope - I've got an issue with my back, and have been ordered to spend less time in the chair and more walking. 
If you send an e-mail I can easily be in office by appointment, but the chance of finding me by just knocking my door are somewhat reduced. 

AND: this in particular goes out to those of you for whom the 27th was inconvenient. Please send me an e-mail!

- Nils

Published May 5, 2015 4:33 PM

This wasn't supposed to be easy. Subject to room availability (edit: now fixed! Aud. 3), here is what I will do:

  • Review lecture the 27th at 1215. The review lecture will cover the 2014 exam, and topics by your request. Please e-mail me (Nils) and please clearly identify the subject line (e.g. start with "Mathematics 3:"), I have a lecture to do for Mathematics 2 as well.
  • Some of you have exam that day. Please mail me this week and I'll try to arrange something for you. We'll find a smaller room, and I will cover what you think is needed from that exam set, and to review.

And the exam set - with a solution note - is published in the old exams folder by now. 

Furthermore, I assume you have noted Espen's review notes. 


Published May 1, 2015 2:51 PM

I was informed by Espen that some of you have exams on the 18th and 22nd. I prefer to avoid those. Then I guess you have preferences between just before the exam and the previous week

For the latter case, the 19th - first shot at time would be the 1015 to 12 slot like the lectures - could be an alternative. Can you let Espen know during Monday's seminar (I) whether the 19th is just plain stupid given the week (i.e. 18th/22nd will be better), and in case it isn't: your preference between 19th and 27th? Send me an e-mail if you do not intend to attend the seminar.

- Nils

Published Apr. 24, 2015 11:58 AM

Notice that I have uploaded more topic overview notes. Next week I will have completed the list.

I hope you enjoy my notes as you review and work with problems towards the exam! The goal of my notes is not to cover every single tiny detail, but to explain how to solve the core exercises, trying to be straight to the point without too much talking.



Published Apr. 14, 2015 1:08 PM

I have now posted the seminar problems for all the remaining seminars.


Published Apr. 9, 2015 2:13 PM

I will be back to teaching next week, taking both lectures and seminars from now on.


I am trying to catch up with some of the lost work. Today, I made a topic overview from the seminar 3, and hope to have time to do similar overviews for the other seminars in the comming days.

Also, I have made a proposted solution for the information problem that was posted for seminar 3.


Look forward to see you again,



Published Apr. 7, 2015 12:35 PM
  1. Please revert the correction - it should be u. 
    (And I think everything else was correct ... I was way into the land of 2nd-order equations, where the "b" is used for something else.)
  2. Tomorrow's session is a lecture, but at the seminar room: HH101.
Published Apr. 6, 2015 11:49 AM

This week we will have lectures Tuesday and Wednesday (the seminar slot) and seminar on Friday (the lecture slot). I do not have write access, so I cannot correct the schedule. I will cover difference equations and proof by induction.

Monday's lecture is on, but that seminar will be cancelled. There is one seminar too many in the schedule already, as we started one week early.

- Nils

Published Mar. 27, 2015 7:08 AM
Published Mar. 25, 2015 2:41 PM
Published Mar. 17, 2015 7:19 PM
Published Mar. 16, 2015 1:39 PM

Someone requested a solution note.

Published Mar. 11, 2015 11:03 PM

Problems are up, they are as I preliminarily projected.  It could be too much, so I suggest you do 1-13 last and 1-10 second-to-last; if it is too much (be honest with me!), the remaing will be assigned later.

(Earlier today I managed to write "below", which holds from the couse web page but not if you clicked the message itself; then it looket like I had forgotten to enter the problems.)

Published Mar. 3, 2015 1:29 PM
Published Feb. 25, 2015 12:50 PM
Published Feb. 25, 2015 10:25 AM

I just want to inform you that I for the moment have absence from teaching due to illness, and therefore I will not have the opportunity to published my proposed solution for seminar 3. Sorry about this. However, if you go to the Autumn 2014 semester page of the course, you will find my proposed solution to almost all the problems of the seminar (this even holds for future seminars). The only inconvenience is that you will need to look a little back and forth between different seminar sets as this year's schedule does not overlap completely with last year's (but they are very close).



Published Feb. 12, 2015 10:04 AM

Since you have two weeks: Too many for a seminar, as I promised/threatened. 

Published Feb. 10, 2015 5:32 PM

I have published the proposed solutions to seminar 2. Also, I was informed that I did a mistake in last seminar's Kuhn Tucker exercise (which actually was just a "bonus" problem), so I have uploaded a correction.


Tomorrow I plan to make a short overview note on yesterday's topics, similarly as last week.



Published Feb. 4, 2015 12:23 PM

I decided I want to help you to get an overview of the topics we cover in the seminars. Therefore, I have produced a compact summary of the most important concepts that we used in the exercises. I try to help you see the large picture, but of course there is details that I don't have space to cover in these short notes. In the end, it is your responsibility to understand the syllabus!



Published Feb. 3, 2015 11:41 AM

Proposed solutions to seminar 1 are now published. Sorry if my notes sometimes are a bit messy, but I think it should be readable (ask me if you are uncertain about something).

At first I just assumed E[XY]=0 in the exercise with variance, but this cannot be known to be true in general. But the clue is to remember that E[XY] is less then or equal sqrt(VarX)*sqrt(VarY), where sqrt denotes the square root. 

Published Jan. 27, 2015 4:59 PM
Published Jan. 26, 2015 5:43 PM
  • Contact students with lightly spamshielded e-mail addresses:
    • Thea van der Hagen, theaovtun [?tt]
    • Helene Vada, helenevada [?tt]
  • I announced that seminars start a week earlier than originally planned; I hope to be done with so much by tomorrow that it makes sense though ...
  • Teaching-free week: as in the schedule, no changes.
  • Consultation hours: I will be in office Wednesdays from 1215 to 14. Feel free to knock on my door at other times though.
    • Those who have other courses then: we'll work out something when needed - or, mail me your unavailable times, and I'll see if it fits consultation hours I will have to announce for Math 2.