Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo and Pro-Dean Jan Bjaalie provide insight into some of the strategic measures and initiatives being undertaken by the faculty this year.
The management column
Editorials and other articles for MED-nytt, the newsletter from the faculty management. Note that these articles are translations that are published with a slight delay from the publication of the Norwegian version.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo and Pro-Dean Magnus L?berg are currently strongly involved in further development of the faculty's study portfolio. Here, we provide a brief update some of the essential work in progress.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo wishes a happy new year. She shares about the welcome meeting with new students, new dialogue meetings within the units, and plans for summarizing the work the deanery has accomplished halfway through its term.
The dean of research, Jan Bjaalie, takes the security challenges associated with dual use very seriously. At the same time, he is focused on remaining calm. The goal is to find the right balance between our fundamental needs for collaboration, openness, and information sharing, and the legitimate needs to be mindful of our activities.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo, with the rest of the faculty leadership, summarises 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to gain an overview of the key issues from 2024. Additionally, they offer their gratitude for the past year and wish all staff and students a very merry Christmas!
Our new Faculty Director introduces herself and shares some of her impressions and thoughts from her first time at MED. She also provides information on ongoing developments within the administration at UiO.
Vice-Dean Grete Dyb provides an update on the internal hearing regarding the new supplementary regulations for the Ph.D. programme. The hearing will be sent out next week, with the deadline for feedback being 1th February,
Dean of Studies Magnus L?berg discusses the decision made at the Faculty Board meeting on 10th December: All exams in the medical degree programme will be assessed with pass/fail from autumn 2025.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo reflects on the final stretch of the semester, this year in the faculty leadership, and wishes everyone a joyous Advent season.
Our first Learning environment survey aims to take the pulse of student life at MED. It will inform us about the quality of the learning environment and is an important part of our efforts to improve the daily study experience at MED.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about several visits from, among others, Estonia and Ukraine, and about a meeting with the Minister of Health. There is a lot going on: the Learning Environment Survey, the review of the PhD programme, and the development of the Skills Centre in new premises. MED is also inviting everyone to an important meeting about the rebuilding of health services in Gaza.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about grand award ceremonies, openings of new buildings, visits from Ukraine, the event with Gaza students, and elections at the University of Oslo.
Dean of Research Jan Bjaalie provides information about the process surrounding the new call for applications. The deadline to submit your application initiative to the faculty is 2 December.
Guest Post: On 18th September, the University Board decided to establish the UiO’s new Centre for Global Sustainability. Through its employees, SUSTAINIT will become part of this new centre, which will start up before summer 2025, writes Head of Unit Eivind Engebretsen.
Research Dean Jan Bj?lie informs that UiO:Life Science has introduced a new and attractive incentive scheme to help you with your FRIPRO application. Since the Research Council began accepting applications on a rolling basis, MED has only received one allocation.
What does a new economic reality mean for the Faculty of Medicine? How does it affect us, and how shall we at the faculty work to ensure a sustainable economy?
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo discusses the new study places at the upcoming Campus Innlandet, the new head of the IMB starting next year, and the recent public engagement events.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about a visit from Sydney for collaborative meetings with our Faculty and UiT. There will be an inspection of the Life Sciences Building, budget work, and an emergency preparedness exercise. Join us at the Research Fair this weekend and don't miss the Researcher Grand Prix in science communication next week.
Associate Dean Magnus L?berg provides an update on the opening of new University of Oslo (UiO) facilities at the Radiumhospitalet, and that the Medical Library, the Skills Centre, and the reading rooms at the Rikshospitalet will be moving to Gaustad next week.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo discusses the celebration of research with award ceremonies and lectures at UiO's Annual Celebration, as well as the ministerial visit the week before. Don't miss the Research Grand Prix and several exciting events during Research Days. Are you a postdoctoral fellow at MED? Sign up for courses.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo shares her experiences from Arendalsuka, ministerial visits, the reception of exchange students, and the autumn's events for you to participate in.
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo welcomes all staff and students to the 2024 autumn semester, including the ten exchange students from Gaza who we are warmly welcoming this semester. A special welcome also to the new Faculty Director and the new Head of Section for Finance.
The Office of the Dean wishes you all a good summer and recaps on the status of 2024 thus far.
Participants from Klinmed, IMB and NCMM have joined together in a broad collaboration to establish the new technology platforms in the Life Science Building. Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation Jan Bj?lie talks about how far this work has progressed now that the building is clearly starting to take shape.
Pro-Dean of Studies Magnus L?berg talks about the good experiences from students who are now returning from Campus South, and about two new student groups who will be starting there next semester. Module four will be held in Southern Norway for the first time.