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Electronic consent (e-Signature) in Nettskjema and TSD

Nettskjema and TSD offer a solution for digitally signed consents. To use the service, you must have an active project in TSD.

Read more about secure storage and handling of sensitive data in TSD.



Please see overview over prices in TSD for up to date prices. This will be invoiced along with your TSD project at the end of the year.

How to use

If you want to use electronic consent, do the following:

  • Create a consent form on (form), or select a consent form template, but remember to change which form the form is forwarding to. 
  • Register a project in TSD
  • When you have a finished consentform, read this document  and follow the insstructions to connect the form to your TSD-project
  • The respondent can then log in via ID-porten, read information about the study, and check off that they consent. Note that the respondent must log in once more when the consent is to be sent. This is a necessary security mechanism for valid electronic consent. The signed PDF is delivered directly to the TSD project. The respondent will also receive a copy of the signed PDF in their digital mailbox.
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Published Feb. 29, 2024 2:17 PM - Last modified June 20, 2024 1:00 PM