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Arrangement - Side 2

Tid og sted: , Lille Auditorium, Domus Medica

UiO-ansatte og andre med tilknytning til livsvitenskap inviteres til  informasjonsm?te for Livsvitenskapsbygget. 

Tid og sted: , Digital webinar
Tid og sted: , Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalléen 21 and online

From the end of February, the new innovation unit at the University of Oslo – the Life Science Growth House – will be an open door for researchers and students who need help to mature ideas at an early stage; leaders and administrative employees who support the innovative researchers; and existing and new external collaborators. At this launch seminar we gather the whole innovation ecosystem in life sciences in Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Klimahuset

Plants have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of human diseases. With over 390,000 known plant species, how do we identify which plants are potential sources for novel pharmaceuticals?

Tid og sted: , The House of Literature

In the autumn of 2021, the method for organ donation called cDCD (controlled donation after circulatory death) was approved in Norway after a long and thorough process. In this process, critical questions were asked although the method is already established in many other countries. In order to maintain good trust in the health care system, we want to address this questions surrounding organ donation after cardiac arrest, and provide some insights into how cDCD is performed in practice: How is the dying patient and relatives taken into account? What exactly is cDCD?

Tid og sted: , Norwegian Cancer Society's Science Center

This event will give a general overview of radiation therapy with focus on proton therapy and its benefits for cancer patients compared to standard treatment with high-energy X-rays. You will also have a great opportunity to get knowledge on effects of radiation therapy from clinicians, with emphasis on side effects. Finally, a survivor of head and neck cancer will share his experience.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Welcome to our digital event during Oslo Life Science Conference.

Tid og sted: , Digital

InLifeScience is the annual conference for industrial life sciences. The conference highlights the potential for life sciences in Norway, how innovation is realized from pre-commercial to upscaling. What challenges characterize the different steps - and what kind of support you can get in each step.

Tid og sted: , Nationaltheatret / live stream

How do we find our way back to contact with nature? And what answers about ourselves can we find in it?

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset / streaming

Infection has characterized the everyday life lately. How did people view contagious diseases before? How does contagion occur? Do we have reason to fear it? What does the future hold?

Tid og sted: , Litteraturhuset

What is today's gene therapy and what possibilities are there in the future?


Due to the COVID-situation this event has been cancelled. You can stream last years ABINO-event here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl4vukjCtb4_JSh_bKgtChQ

Tid og sted: , Chateau Neuf/digital

At this seminar PhD students, postdocs and Master?s students in life sciences at UiO and NMBU heard inspirational talks from people who have made careers outside academia. And got advice on how to build their own careers.

Tid og sted: , Digital meeting

LMI and partners welcome you to join this day with presentations and discussions from the Norwegian life science ecosystem and industry leaders from Global Pharma.

Tid og sted: , Domus Juridica / digital

For boys in upper secondary schools.

Tid og sted: , Frogner kirke (church), Bygd?y allé / digital 36

"The Lapse of time" oratorio of excerpts from Charles Darwin "On the Origin of Species" composed by Bj?rn Morten Christophersen will take place in Frogner kirke.

Tid og sted: , The University Aula / digital

At the main event we discussed how to prepare for the next pandemic. What does it take to prevent a global pandemic? How should the authorities handle pandemics in the future? In what way can research and innovation contribute to preparedness and prevention of the next pandemic? 

Tid og sted: , Oslo City Hall, R?dhusplassen 1

The reception in Oslo City Hall is unfortunately cancelled due to the corona situation.

Tid og sted: , Digital event (Zoom)

Open lectures by Detlef Weigel (Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Germany) and Anna Wargelius (Institute of Marine Research, Norway). Darwin Day is an international recognition of science and humanity, held in memory of Charles Darwin.

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Fauna, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Digitalt

Bioteknologir?det inviterer til Bioteknologidagene 2021 - et gratis, heldigitalt arrangement i 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 med Universitet i Oslo, Universitetet i Bergen, NTNU og UiT Norges arktiske universitet.

Tid og sted: , Frederikkeplassen, Blindern

Plants have been used for 1000s of years in the treatment of human diseases, though this historical knowledge is often lost. Our interdisciplinary research group uses Nordic historic texts and archaeological remains as inspiration to ‘rediscover’ what plants have historically been used to treat disease.  

Tid og sted: , Frederikkeplassen, Blindern

Planter har i tusener av ?r blitt benyttet for ? behandle humane sykdommer i nordiske land, men kunnskapen om hvilke planter som ble brukt er imidlertid i fare for ? g? tapt. V?r interdisiplin?re forskningsgruppe ?nsker ? gjenoppdage denne kunnskapen ved bruk av nordiske tekster og arkeologiske unders?kelser.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

There will be organised two workshops for potential applicants to new convergence environments. The first one was 18 February. Participation in one of the workshops is mandatory for submitting an application.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Det vil bli arrangert to workshop for potensielle s?kere til nye konvergsmilj?. Det f?rste var 18. februar. Deltakelse i en av workshopene er obligatorisk for ? s?ke.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

For boys in upper secondary schools.

Tid og sted: , Digital event

This event includes popular science talks by the research fellows of the ABINO project with expertise in biology, musicology, and physics.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

There will be organised two workshops for potential applicants to new convergence environments. The second one will be 2 March. Participation in one of the workshops is mandatory for submitting an application.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Det vil bli arrangert to workshop for potensielle s?kere til nye konvergsmilj?. Det andre vil bli holdt 2. mars. Deltakelse i en av workshopene er obligatorisk for ? s?ke.

Tid og sted: , Digital

We invite you to join scientists and philosophers from the UiO:Life Science convergence environment 3DR to discuss the clinical and biological challenges that come with the ethics of organ donation in Norway, and discover our source of inspiration to improve organ preservation for donation: the crucian carp inhabiting Norwegian ponds. This online seminar will include short presentations, a discussion and various activities (polls and Q&A sessions).

Tid og sted: , Webinar

The ultimate boundaries of human reproduction lie at the limited availability of egg and sperm.  The ability to create sperm and eggs in the laboratory opens up a new world of reproductive possibilities. Imagine a world in which same sex couples can have babies genetically related to both partners. Where the menopause no longer spells the end of a woman’s fertility. Where any individual, of any age, can produce both sperm and eggs. 

Tid og sted: , Digital

Mental disorders are recognized as leading causes of disability and morbidity globally, and are among the costliest disorders to affect humans. The causal underpinnings of these disorders is a complex web of genetic, biological and psychosocial mechanisms. Recent advances in technology and computational techniques can help disentangle this complexity, leading to a further understanding of the conditions and subsequently better strategies for treatment and prevention.

Tid og sted: , Live streamed from Nationaltheater's Facebook

We look at the climate crisis in a Hamlet perspective. 

Tid og sted: , Digital

In the last decade, artificial intelligence has surpassed humans in among others the games of Go and Starcraft. Many researchers believe it's only a matter of time before we make an artificial intelligence that is smarter than humans in all areas. Most famous of these is Ray Kurzweil who predicts this will happen before the year 2050. But will this intelligence be conscious? What are the implications if it is or not? We invite to a panel discussion where these and other questions will be discussed.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

The coronavirus caused the whole of Norway to shut down in the spring of 2020. What consequences has it had for the everyday life, leisure and household of most people? Has it had any effect on the climate and the economy? And what are the long-term consequences? When will life be like before the closure, or will it be?

Tid og sted: , Zoom

At this digital seminar PhD students, postdocs and Master?s students in life sciences at UiO and NMBU have the opportunity to create networks outside academia. 

Tid og sted: , Frogner kirke (church), Bygd?y allé 36

The concert can unfortunately not be performed due to current corona measures and has therefore been canceled. "The Lapse of time" oratorio of excerpts from Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species composed by Bj?rn Morten Christophersen was to take place in Frogner kirke.

Tid og sted: , Digital

While philosophers have investigated the topic of consciousness for thousands of years, empirical research has only been a focus for the last decades. But in this time, what have we really learned about our internal experience of the world? We invite to a series of lectures focusing on how we investigate consciousness empirically, what we have discovered, and where the road goes next.

Tid og sted: , Digital

Using COVID-19 as an example, we focus on the role of life sciences in understanding and solving global societal challenges. What experiences have we gained one year after the pandemic started? Which research projects are implemented within the life sciences to prevent new pandemics in the future? What measures can we take to be prepared for a new global pandemic? And what efforts are taken to stop the COVID-19 pandemic globally?

Tid og sted: , Botanical Garden, Natural History Museum

Plants have been used for 1000s of years in the treatment of human diseases, though this historical knowledge is often lost. Our interdisciplinary research group uses Nordic historic texts and archaeological remains as inspiration to ‘rediscover’ what plants have historically been used to treat disease.  

Tid og sted: , Digital event (Zoom)

This year's Darwin Day event covers the topic of evolution and medicine. Speakers: Charles Swanton, Felicia Keesing, and Bruce Levin.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Do you want to join the application process in 2020/2021 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science' meetings.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Vil du bli med p? s?knadsprosessen i 2020/2021 for finansiering av nye tverrfaglige forskningsgrupper innen livsvitenskap? Da b?r du delta p? et av UiO:Livsvitenskaps informasjonsm?ter. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Do you want to join the application process in 2020/2021 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science' meetings.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Vil du bli med p? s?knadsprosessen i 2020/2021 for finansiering av nye tverrfaglige forskningsgrupper innen livsvitenskap? Da b?r du delta p? et av UiO:Livsvitenskaps informasjonsm?ter. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom

“The good, the bad and the ugly”. Why would we need a Centre for Healthy Ageing at the University of Oslo (UiO) and why should it be an inter-disciplinary approach? The 4th NO-Age meeting has compiled a high caliber inter-disciplinary speakers to share and discuss their expertise on such topics.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

“The good, the bad and the ugly”. Why would we need a Centre for Healthy Ageing at the University of Oslo (UiO) and why should it be an inter-disciplinary approach? The 4th NO-Age meeting has compiled a high caliber inter-disciplinary speakers to share and discuss their expertise on such topics.

Tid og sted: , Digital meeting

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

UiO-ansatte med tilknytning til livsvitenskap inviteres til digitalt informasjonsm?te om utviklingen for Livsvitenskapsbygget. 

Tid og sted: , Str?mmes digitalt fra Nationaltheaterets Facebook NYTT TIDSPUNKT

Det dukker ofte opp en lege i Ibsens verker. Ibsens leger har ofte h?y status og skaper spenning i handlingen. Legen kan v?re en kj?r og tillitsvekkende venn og en som fortrolig lytter til familiens mange hemmeligheter – eller den som kommer med en brannfakkel og skaper r?re.

Tid og sted: , Zoom (webinar)

The Lancet One Health Commission welcomes you to join the third webinar of the One Health - Reconnecting for Our Future series. Join this discussion as speakers representing various One Health initiatives reflect and share their ideas for the future of One Health.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus, auditorium 2

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups hus

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

Having a new idea is not enough to create a new innovation. The hardest part is to build a successful business around it – this is the entrepreneurial challenge. One of the key elements that needs to be worked out is the right Go-To-Market strategy.

Tid og sted: , The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Kjels?sveien 143

We invite the citizens of Oslo to an indoor light event with glimpses of life sciences at UiO. Free entrance for the duration of the event.

Tid og sted: , The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Kjels?sveien 143

We have invited the oldest children in a kindergarten to join us "Programming: Bees and Flowers" at the Museum of science and technology.

Tid og sted: , See programme

The workshop will bring together people from different disciplines inside and outside academia in order to enable a dialogue on mimicry as a productive concept to understand and juxtapose industrial chemicals and synthetic hormones.

Nowadays the amounts of data generated presents unique opportunities in research and technological innovations. This also raises a range of challenges, including data standards, analysis and visualization, as well as ethical considerations such as data protection, privacy and ownership.

In this symposium we want to explore the increasing role that data plays in our lives. The event will explore research and technological innovations that involve data and the society.

Tid og sted: , The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Kjels?sveien 143

For lower secondary schools.


An interdisciplinary panel from UiO consisting of neurologists, philosophers and psychologists shares their knowledge, gives us the latest news in brain research, disagrees a bit, but takes us on a journey into our own consciousness.


An interdisciplinary panel from UiO consisting of medical scientists, economists, philosophers and literary scientists. What do we know about aging, what is the latest in research on elderly and health, and how does our identity change at different stages of life? Existential questions and discussion.

Tid og sted: , TBA

What were the most important biotechnology debates in 2010? What will be important in 2020?

Tid og sted: , Aud. 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Blindern, Oslo

This year's Darwin Day event covers a moonshot for biology: Resolving all genomes on earth within a decade! Speakers: Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Josefin Stiller, Maren Wellenreuther, and Tom Gilbert.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium, Research Building, Radium Hospital

LMI and partners welcome you to join this  day with presentations and discussions from the Norwegian life science ecosystem and industry leaders from Global Pharma.

Tid og sted: , Blindern or city centre, TBA

For boys in upper secondary schools.

Tid og sted: , UiO, Professorboligen, Stallen, Karl Johans gate 47

How are international regulations of pollutants followed up nationally and locally in Norway and Tanzania?

The workshop will bring together Norwegian and Tanzanian environmental authorities to address how international regulations on persistent organic pollutants are met nationally and locally.

Tid og sted: , Publikumsfoajeen Nationaltheatret

What is happiness? What does it take to create and live a happy life? Is happiness more readily available to those who are able to see meaning in the little things? Is there any universal answer to what happiness really is to man?

Tid og sted: , Kunstplass Contemporary Art, Akersgata 1–5

NanoCosmos shows striking microscopy images from researchers in the convergence environment Programming Cell-Like Compartments. They will give you a glimpse into the nanoworld of soft matter and the microworld of cells – a "Wunderkammer" – where science becomes art. Join us for the opening February 11 at 18!

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset, Youngs gate 6

Climate change affects food production and food security. The way we produce food and what we eat affects the climate. Join us when we put self-storage, food safety, biodiversity and sustainable diet on the menu with experts from UiO and NMBU.

Tid og sted: , Stallen, Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

At this seminar PhD students, postdocs and Master?s students in life sciences at UiO and NMBU had the opportunity to create networks outside academia. Watch videos from the event.

In this seminar international experts and junior speakers from the UiO:Life Science convergence environment PerCaThe will discuss innovative methods for personalized and precision cancer therapy. Topics covered in the seminar include drug sensitivity screening, machine learning and combined mathematical, statistical and imaging methods for cancer modeling and simulation of drug treatment. 

Tid og sted: , Auditorium, Research Building, Radium Hospital

Collaboration between Pharma industry and Academia. The aim of the conference is to show how real world evidence (RWE) is changing the landscape for drug development and clinical use and to present RWE Initiatives that put the Nordic region in the forefront.

Tid og sted: , Oslo City Hall, R?dhusplassen 1

Refreshments and mingling in Oslo City Hall  for all participants of the conference. You need at ticket to attend the reception. All who have registered, will get their ticket on email by the end of week 6. The reception is fully booked, but you may sign up for the waiting list.

Tid og sted: , The University Aula, Karl Johans gate 47

At the Oslo Life Science Conference 5-year anniversary we looked ahead into the new decade. What will life sciences bring us in 2020–2030? What is the role of artificial intelligence (AI)? What are the visions for academia, hospitals and industry in a rapidly changing world where we need sustainable solutions? How can Oslo and Norway strengthen its position as a leading life science hub in Europe?

Tid og sted: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups hus

To develop your idea into a growing business you need an excellent and well-functioning team. Learn more about what it takes to build a team and establish and grow a successful business and use the opportunity to discuss with an experienced industry expert during this interactive seminar.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Forming a business partnership can be beneficial or even vital to obtain success, but it has to be done correctly. If not, it can be catastrophic. Learn more about what it takes to secure a successful partnering and finance setup. What are the pitfalls? What is critical? What are the dos and don'ts?

Procedures that work in the lab don’t always scale-up seamlessly into production in the life science industry. Process development while staying compliant will be required. What should be considered when you work in lab-scale to make the transition to production smoother? What are the common pitfalls, and what are the dos and don’ts?

Tid og sted: , Realfagbiblioteket, Kjemisk institutt, Videnskapsakademiet

Vi feirer 50-?rsdagen for Odd Hassels Nobelpris i kjemi: Program og p?melding til Hassel-seminaret 31. oktober til og med 1. november. 

Tid og sted: , Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevie House

This symposium brings together world leaders in the ER proteostasis field in Oslo to showcase new research in this burgeoning field and its links to different aspects of normal cellular function as well as disease states, and aims stimulate new collaborative research.

Repurposing of drugs can potentially bring medications with known safety profiles to new patient groups. What is the industry looking for when they consider to invest in a repurposing project? What is the regulatory framework in this area? How is IP handled?

Tid og sted: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus

UiO satser stort p? livsvitenskap og ?nsker ? bidra til ny helsen?ring. Thermo Fisher Scientific er ett av firmaene som har lykkes med ? ta norske forskningsresultater videre til anvendelse over hele verden, samtidig som de har bevart aktivitet i Norge. Hva ser de etter hos studenter fra UiO, og hva kan de tilby? M?t ogs? en ung forsker fra UiO:Livsvitenskaps innovasjonsprogram SPARK Norway.

Tid og sted: , Hovedrommet, Kulturhuset, Youngs gate 6

Skal universitetet spille en rolle i ? l?se klimakrisen? Hvilken effekt har skolestreikene? M? professorer fly, og hvordan skal vi utdanne fremtidige studenter til et b?rekraftig arbeidsliv? Vi tar debattene p? Kulturhuset.

Tid og sted: , Universitetsplassen, Karl Johans gate 47

Hvorfor er medisinske forskere opptatt av torsken? Har du h?rt lyden av torsk? Test dine kunnskaper i den store torskequizen og vinn fine premier.

Tid og sted: , Publikumsfoajeen Nationaltheatret, Johanne Dybwads plass 1

Hva skulle vi gjort uten havet? Bli med p? en bevisstgj?rende frokost med forskere fra UiO og kunstnere. Vi dypdykker ned i det m?rke, store bl? og f?r myter knust og fakta formidlet.

Tid og sted: , Malm?m?ssan, M?ssgatan 6, Malm?, Sweden

A part of Nordic Life Science Awards that features exciting academic projects from five Nordic countries illustrating the rich and broad research milieus and their motivation to advance their ideas into innovations for patients.

Clinical trials are essential to develop new treatments. What are the fundamental issues that must be considered when designing clinical trials? What are the pitfalls? What are the dos and don’ts?

Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts hus, Auditorium 2, Moltke Moes vei 31

Richard van Wezel, Professor of visual neuroscience and Vice dean of research, the Faculty of Science, Radboud Universitety will present his work on the use of smart glasses to reduce freezing of gait in Parkinson's patients.

Tid og sted: , T?yen hovedg?rd

The scope of the workshop: This international workshop brings together scientist from a wide range of fields with a special interest in bio-mechanics phenomena from cellular scale to the size of organs. Through a series of short talks the participants will present their work, where the workshop strives to stimulate scientific exchange and to initiate new collaborations.

Tid og sted: , MS Sunnhordland, Batterikaien, ca. Langbryggen 23

P? tide med ny mobil, eller kan du bruke den gamle litt lenger? Norge ligger p? verdenstoppen i produksjon av elektronisk avfall. Milj?giftene fra avfallet fordeler seg i milj?et og tas opp i planter og dyr. Hvordan m? vi jobbe lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt for ? f? bukt med problemet? Hvordan kan politikere og forbrukere bidra til gode l?sninger?