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Question elements - when should they be used?

Nettskjema offers a variety of question elements, but when and which ones should you use? This article provides insight into how to design effective forms that give you the answers you are looking for.

Text answer – give the respondent a voice

Example of large text field (top) and small text field (bottom)
Example of large text field (top) and small text field (bottom)

A question where the respondent can answer with their own words in an open textfield is called "tekstsvar" in Nettskjema.

This question type is used what you are interested in finding out the individual respondents' opinions and experiences.

It can be difficult to write a good text-answer-question, so you must think about how you can formulate the question in order to get the respondent to answer with helpful information while simultaneously giving them the freedom to answer how they like.

The max length for a text answer is 3800 characters.

Single choice – only one choice

Example of a single choice question
Example of a single choice question

Single choice (enkeltvalg in Nettskjema) gives the respondents the opportunity to choose one alternative out of several.

This question type is used when only one option should be selected from a short list of mutually exclusive categories. It should not exceed 5 options; otherwise, a dropdown list should be used. Single choice questions should always be used for Yes/No questions

Checkboxes – select several responses

Example of a checkbox question
Example of a checkbox question

Checkboxes allow respondents to select multiple options.

Use this question type when you want respondents to choose more than one answer option for the same question.

When using this question type, you have the option to set a limit on the maximum number of options that can be selected, or how many must be selected for the answer to be accepted.

Matrix - single choice and checkbox

Example of a single choice matrix question
Example of a single choice matrix question

A matrix is used when the respondent needs to answer multiple questions with the same options.

Use this question type when you want respondents to rank or answer several questions that have the same options.

When creating the matrix, you should consider the screen size respondents will use. Large matrices look good on large screens, but may result in respondents needing to scroll to the right to see all the column options.

Linear scale

Example of a linear scale question
Example of a linear scale question

A linear scale allows respondents to rate on a numerical scale by dragging a slider or entering the value in the box below.

This can be used when you want the respondent to select a value, e.g., on a scale from low to high. Often used with points, money, percentage, etc., where one can choose between different options indicated visually on a horizontal or vertical line.

This provides you with information on how important the options are to the respondent.


The slider in Nettskjema is approved as a VAS scale by EQ-Group - EuroQol Research Foundation. See the example form for a with this in Nettskjema.

Dropdown list

Example of a dropdown list question
Example of a dropdown list question
Full example of dropdown list question
Full example of dropdown list question 

A dropdown list (called Nedtrikksliste in Nettskjema) allows respondents to select one answer from a list of options you have provided.

Use this question type when you want the respondent to answer the question with one of the pre-set options. This is preferred when there are more than 5 options to choose from.


Example of a date question
Example of a date question
Full example of a date question
Full example of a date question

Date allows respondents to select a date or time from a calendar or a clock.

Use this question type when you need specific information about times and dates.


Example of a number question
Example of a number question
Example of a bad input in a number question (if there is a value limit)
Example of a number question with a invalid input (if there is a value limit)
Example of a number question with a wrong input (only numbers are accepted)
Example of a number question with a wrong input (only numbers are accepted)

Number questions (called Tall in Nettskjema) allow the respondent to answer with only numbers in the input field.

Use this question type when you want numerical responses to a question, often used for math problems.


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By Iselin Tomsdatter Ellingsen
Published July 19, 2024 1:58 PM - Last modified July 19, 2024 1:58 PM