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Backup and snapshots in TSD

TSD offers two options for recovering data:

  • Snapshots allow TSD users to retrieve recent versions of deleted or damaged files themselves.
  • The standard backup stored on tape can be retrieved by TSD.

Snapshots in TSD

  • For fast recovery of deleted files, use the snapshots taken the last seven nights. 
  • The snapshot is taken of /ess/pXXX (Linux) / \\ess01\pXXX (Windows).
  • Contact us at if you cannot find the snapshot of your files.


  • Backups of files are taken every night.
  • Backups are kept for 90 days.


  • No backup is done of anything stored on the virtual hard disks, e.g. C:\ on Windows of project workstations.
  • If a file is created and deleted in the period between 2 backup runs, we will not have a backup of this file unless you find it in a snapshot.
  • If a file is on backup, but has been changed or deleted during the period between 2 backup runs, we will not have a backup of these changes. The file will be in the same state as it was when we took backup of it.
  • We do not backup the following locations:

    • */[Nn]obackup
    • */[Nn]o[_-]backup
    • */_nobackup

    * indicates that it applies no matter where in the file tree the file or area exists. For a complete list, read more (in Norwegian).

File Recovery

Every project has a folder called .snapshots in the main project store top level (/ess/pxxx/ (Linux) or \\ess01\pxxx\ (Windows)). This folder stores at least one snapshot of the project storage area per day going as far back as the most recent 7 days.

Snapshot folders, located directly under the .snapshots folder mentioned above, are named after the date and time of the snapshot. These contain your project files and folders as they were at the time the snapshot was created.

To recover data, choose the snapshot folder of interest and locate the file(s) containing the data you want. These may then be copied to replace files that were corrupted or deleted.

As snapshots taken more than 7 nights ago are automatically removed, contact for snapshots of the project going further back.

Since the virtual hard drive of the workstation itself, e.g. C:\ on Windows, is not subject to backup, storing any essential project data there is not recommended. Recovery of data from such location(s) cannot be guaranteed, although it may be possible under certain circumstances.

Where to find the snapshot folder


  • On Linux-based systems it can be found as /ess/pXXX/.snapshots.
  • On Windows systems you right click the file or folder you want to restore, and choose "Restore last version".  Then select the version you want restored.

Image of the file system, with a dropdown menu after right-clicking the file. The "Restore previous versions" option is highlightedList over previous versions of the file

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    Published Aug. 10, 2021 2:27 PM - Last modified Feb. 24, 2025 10:14 AM