S?remne "Diplomatiets historie"

Fagl?rer: Iver Neumann

M.S. Anderson (1993), The Rise of Modern Diplomacy 1450-1919, London: Longman, sidene 103-299 = 196 s.

Herbert Butterfield (2004), “The New Diplomacy and Historical Diplomacy” i Martin Wight & Herbert Butterfield (red.) (1966), Diplomatic Investigations. Essays in the Theory of International Politics, London: Unwin, sidene 181-192 = 11 s.

Richard Langhorne (2004), “Establishing International Organizations: The Concert and the League” i Christer J?nsson & Richard Langhorne (red.), Diplomacy, bind 2, sidene 343-356 = 13 s.

Theodore H. van Laue ([1953] 1994), “Soviet Diplomacy: G.V. Chicherin, Peoples Commissar for Foreign Affairs” i Gordon A. Craig & Felix Gilbert (red.), The Diplomats 1919-1939, Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, sidene 234-281 = 47 s.

Iver B. Neumann & Halvard Leira (2005), Aktiv og avventende : utenrikstjenestens liv 1905-2005, Oslo: Pax, kapittel 1, sidene 12-46 (ms) = 34 s.

Totalt 301 sider

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Publisert 25. apr. 2005 16:50 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2007 13:45