
Note that this plan may be subject to some changes as the term progresses. Any such changes will be notified in advance, on the course web page.

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.08.2008Anders Nes (AN)? Seminarrom 511, Veglaboratoriet? What is the philosophy of action? ?
  • Stout: kap 1, 2;
  • Anscombe: Intention (spesielt §§1, 5–8, 16–18).
25.08.2008AN? Seminarrom 511, Veglaboratoriet? Practical knowledge?
  • Anscombe: Intention.
01.09.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Metaphysics of action ?
  • Stout: kap. 9;
  • Anscombe: Intention (spesielt §§ 23–26);
  • Davidson: “Agency”.
08.09.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Volitional accounts?
  • Hornsby: Actions, kap. 1, 2 og 3,
  • McCann: “Trying, Paralysis, and Volition”.
15.09.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? The causal theory of action (I)?
  • Stout: kap 4, 5, 6;
  • Davidson: “Action, Reasons, and Causes”.
22.09.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? The causal theory of action (II)?
  • Frankfurt: “The Problem of Action”;
  • Velleman: “The Guise of the Good”;
  • Wilson: “Davidson on Intentional Action”.
29.09.2008? ? ? reading week?
06.10.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Intentions (I) ?
  • Stout: kap 7,8;
  • Davidson: “Intending”.
13.10.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Intentions (II) ?
  • Bratman: “Two Faces of Intention”.
20.10.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Weakness of the will?
  • Davidson: “How is Weakness of the Will Possible?”; “Paradoxes of Irrationality”.
27.10.2008AN? Seminarrom 511, Veglaboratoriet? Freedom and autonomy (I) ?
  • Frankfurt: “Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person”, “Identification and Externality”, “Identification and Wholeheartedness”.
03.11.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Freedom and autonomy (II) ?
  • Frankfurt: “The Faintest Passion”;
  • Watson: “Free Agency”.
10.11.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Freedom and autonomy (III) ?
  • Velleman: “What Happens When Someone Acts?”;
  • Wolf: “Sanity and the Metaphysics of Responsibility”.
17.11.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Reasons, motivation, and practical reasoning (I) ?
  • Stout: kap 3;
  • Williams: “Internal and External Reasons”;
  • Koorsgaard: “Skepticism about Practical Reason”.
24.11.2008AN? Seminarrom 5, P.A. Munchs hus? Reasons, motivation, and practical reasoning (II) ?
  • Wallace: “How to Argue about Practical Reason”.
Publisert 11. aug. 2008 11:35 - Sist endret 20. aug. 2008 11:46