
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
03.09.2010All? Store Aud.? Introduction? Slides: pptx , pdf?
10.09.2010P?l Halvorsen? Store Aud.? IXP? Slides: pptx , pdf?
17.09.2010P?l Halvorsen & H?kon Kvale Stensland? Store Aud.? Motion JPEG & x86? Slides - x86: pptx, pdf

Slides - MJPEG: pptx, pdf

Slides - Home Exam 1: pdf

Home Exam 1 is handed out ?

24.09.2010Carsten Griwodz? Store Aud.? SIMD Programming? Notes on SIMD programming: pdf?
30.09.2010All ? C311? Discuss Week Assignment 1? Room C311 VB - 10:00 - 11:00?
01.10.2010? --? No lecture - Work on Home Exam ? Work on Home Exam!?
06.10.2010? ? ? Deliver Home Exam 1 (23:59:59) ?
07.10.2010All ? Helga Eng - Seminarrom 234? Present Home Exam 1? Seminarrom 234, Helga Eng - 09:00 - 12:00?
08.10.2010H?kon Kvale Stensland? Store Aud.? nVIDIA Graphics Processing Units? Slides: pptx , pdf?
15.10.2010H?vard Espeland? Store Aud.? Introduction to video encoding? Home Exam 2 is handed out

Slides - Video Encoding: odp pdf

Slides - Home Exam 2: pdf?

21.10.2010All? Helga Eng - Seminarrom U31? Discuss Week Assignment 2? Seminarrom U31, Helga Eng - 10:00 - 12:00?
22.10.2010Carsten Griwodz? Store Aud.? Thinking Parallel? Find out about Ian Foster's book?
29.10.2010--? --? No lecture - Work on Home Exam ? Work on Home Exam! ?
05.11.2010Carsten Griwodz, H?vard Espeland? Store Aud.? Thinking Parallel cntd., Introduction to Cell Broadband Engine? Deliver Home Exam 2 (23:59:59)

Home Exam 3 is handed out

Slides - Cell Broadband Engine: odp pdf??

12.11.2010--? --? No lecture - Work on Home Exam ? Work on Home Exam! ?
19.11.2010--? --? No lecture - Work on Home Exam ? Work on Home Exam! ?
26.11.2010--? Store Aud.? No lecture - Work on Home Exam? Deliver Home Exam 3 (23:59:59) ?
03.12.2010All? Store Aud.? Competition & Present Home Exam 2 and 3? 09:00 - 15:00?
Published Sep. 3, 2010 12:18 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2010 4:50 PM