Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
22.01.2008 | Alma Culén? | Visningsrom? | Introduction to each other and the course? | Please read the following for our next meeting: Chandlers website on Technological or Media Determinism and the page on Technological Determinism from UK Technology Education Center. You may also enjoy browsing some of the other related material on this site. ? |
29.01.2008 | Alma Culén and Christina M?rtberg ? | Visningsrom? | Determinisms? | Please read Phenomenological Approaches To Ethics and Information Technology? |
05.02.2008 | Alma Culén ? | Visningsrom? | Determinisms and Phenomenology? | Effects of Technology on Family and Community, by J.A. English-LueckNarrative Emergence of IdentityOptional (but recommanded to read):Television: Opiate of the MassesWhat to ask about technologyInforming ourselves to death ? |
12.02.2008 | Alma Culén ? | Visningsrom ? | Effects of technology on family and community life? | Paper for next time has been handed in class: Power, technologies and the phenomenology of conventions: on being allergic to onions, by Susan Leigh Star? |
19.02.2008 | ? | where you are? | winter break? | ? |
26.02.2008 | Christina M?rtberg? | Visningsrom ? | Introduction to ANT? | Please read for next time: Located Accountabilities in Technology Production and, as an introduction to ANT through some applications of ANT with comparative discussion, Traduction / Trahison - Notes on ANT, by John Law.As help to understanding the article by Susan Leigh Star from last time, you may look here too (so this one is optional): How things (actor-net)work: Classification, magic and the ubiquity of standards ? |
04.03.2008 | Christina M?rtberg ? | Visningsrom ? | ? | ? |
11.03.2008 | Alma Culén? | Visningsrom? | Intro to Structure of Scientific Revolution? | We will have a short discussion on How things (actor-net)work: Classification, magic and the ubiquity of standardsNext topic is a bit about science itself. Please read Rene Descartes: legacy of mind body dualism and prepare some questions/comments. A Sketch of the Kuhnian Philosophy of Science, by Silvio Chibeni. A brief summary of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas Kuhn (Chicago, 1962). Objectivity, Value Judgment, and Theory Choice, by Thomas Kuhn. This fills in some points that are not so clear in Kuhn's book. ? |
25.03.2008 | Christina M?rtberg ? | Visningsrom? | Situated knowledge? | Please read for 24 of March Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies, 14(3), 575-599.? |
01.04.2008 | Christina M?rtberg? | Visningsrom ? | Indigenous Knowledge? | Helen Verran and Michael Christie, Using/Designing Digital technologies of Representation in Aboriginal Australian Knowledge practices, Human Technology Vol 3 (2), May 2007, 214-227.Helen Verran, Michael Christie , Bryce Anbins-King, Trevor van Weeren, Wulumdhuna Yunupingu, Designing Digital Knowledge Management Tools with Aboriginal Australians, Digital Creativity, 2007, Vol 18, No 3, pp129-142.? |
01.04.2008 | Christina M?rtberg ? | Visningsrom ? | ? | For next time, please do the readings I posted for last time I was teaching. I would like to have a discussion on those. Also think a bit more about the role digital technology may have in creating the knowledge. I will show parts of the film "The Corporation" as power structure will be our next topic.? |
08.04.2008 | Alma Culén ? | Visningsrom ? | ? | Mike Cooley? |
15.04.2008 | Alma Culén ? | Visningsrom ? | ? | From next time, we should start discussing your projects... so the first 4 must be ready? |
22.04.2008 | Christina M?rtberg and Alma Culén? | Visningsrom ? | your essay presentations? | First 1/2 of the class presents.? |
29.04.2008 | Christina M?rtberg and Alma Culén? | Visningsrom ? | your presentations? | Second 1/2 of the class presents? |
06.05.2008 | ? | ? | ? | No lecture today. But next time we have an exciting visitor, Michel Bauwens. Please prepare by checkong out about Michele on Wikipedia, an interview with Michele and p2p blogg he created. Please be prepared for this. ? |
13.05.2008 | Michel Bauwens? | Visningsrom? | Michel will let us know? | No preparation for next time.? |
20.05.2008 | Alma Culén ? | Visningsrom? | technology in design? | Mirja Kalviainen on technology in design. This will be the last meeting, we will have a fun presentation, some discussion and if needed pick up some loose threads from earilier and wrap up for now.? |
Publisert 16. jan. 2008 22:58
- Sist endret 17. apr. 2008 12:44