
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.08.2005P?l? 3A? Intro and Architectures? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )?
05.09.2005Carsten? 3A? Media and User Behaviour? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )

assignments: ppt , pdf . Check here whether a topic is taken.?

12.09.2005P?l? 3A? Server Resource Scheduling? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )?
19.09.2005Carsten? 3A? Protocols without QoS Support? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )?
26.09.2005Carsten? 3A? Protocols with QoS Support? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )?
03.10.2005P?l? 3A? Storage Systems? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )

Delivery of project plan?

10.10.2005P?l? 3A? Storage Systems (cont'd)? Last year's slides: ppt , pdf?
17.10.2005Carsten? 3A? Distribution? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )?
24.10.2005Carsten? 3A? Distribution (cont'd)? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )?
31.10.2005Carsten? 3A? Peer-to-peer systems? slides: ppt , pdf (6x )?
07.11.2005Torgeir Hovden, Rolf Michelsen (FAST)? 3A? High Performance Distributed Systems: Theory & Practice? ?
15.11.2005Anna Brunstr?m (Karlstad University)? 3B - kl 15:00? Reliable communication in SCTP? Note: this is Tuesday at kl 15:00, not the regular time!?
21.11.2005Carsten/P?l? 3A? P2P cntd. and discussion: Theory vs. Brute Force? Last year's discussion slides: pdf?
28.11.2005? 3A? Studentpresentasjoner? Delivery of project report and slides?
Publisert 25. aug. 2005 12:57 - Sist endret 21. nov. 2005 09:47