
Pensum utgj?res f?rst og fremst av alle oppgavene vi har l?st, b?de ukesoppgavene og de to obligene.

  1. Ukesoppgave 1
  2. Ukesoppgave 2
  3. Ukesoppgave 3
  4. Ukesoppgave 4
  5. Ukesoppgave 5
  6. Ukesoppgave 6
  7. Ukesoppgave 7
  8. Ukesoppgave 8
  9. Ukesoppgave 9
  10. Ukesoppgave 10
  11. Oblig 1
  12. Oblig 2
  13. Alle oppgavene for kapittel 1-4 i LINEAR WAVE THEORY Part B

Fourier transform (vi har ikke v?rt igjennom alt materiale i disse to kompendiene):

  1. Harald E. Krogstad: Fouriertransformen - en innf?ring   (from Harald Krogstad sin hjemmeside)
  2. Erik L?w & Ragnar Winther: Fourier analysis   (from Matematisk insitutt sin kompediesamling)

Stokastisk b?lgeteori:

  1. Reprint of chapter 2 in
    Waves in Geophysical Fluids Tsunamis, Rogue Waves, Internal Waves and Internal Tides Series: CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Number 489 (eds. John Grue, Karsten Trulsen), pages 49-106
  2. Chapters 1-4 in LINEAR WAVE THEORY Part B of
    LINEAR WAVE THEORY by Harald E. Krogstad and ?ivind A. Arntsen
    Look also at some comments and corrections to a couple of exercises

Spektrum og Gaussisk sj?:

  1. José Carlos Nieto Borge: Power Spectral Density (updated November 9)
  2. José Carlos Nieto Borge: The Gaussian Model of Wind-Generated Waves (updated October 20)

Ikkeline?r b?lgeteori:

  1. Free and forced oscillations
  2. Nonlinear water surface waves: Governing equations, potential theory and nonresonant waves
  3. Nonlinear resonance conditions

Tilleggsmateriell (betraktes ikke som definerende for pensum, men illustrerer pensum):

  1. Draupner tidsserie:  -  Sverre Haver: Freak wave event at Draupner jacket, January 1 1995.
  2. Bay of Biscay time series: WaveTimeSeries.dat  -  The network of buoys of the Spanish Port Authority (in Spanish).  Puertos 150, 9-10. (2009)
  3. Waterman & Whiteman (1978): Estimation of probability densities by empirical density functions. Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol. 9, 127-137.   (look at the first two sections and the first two figures for a description of empirical distribution)
  4. Phillips (1958): The equilibrium range in the spectrum of wind-generated waves. J. Fluid Mech. 4, 426-434.  (read entire paper)
  5. Dysthe, Krogstad & Müller (2008): Oceanic rogue waves. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 40, 287–310.  (read pages 287-291 for a nice review)
  6. Phillips (1960): On the dynamics of unsteady gravity waves of finite amplitude Part 1. The elementary interactions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 9, 193-217. (look at the "figure 8")
  7. McLean et al. (1981): Three-Dimensional Instability of Finite-Amplitude Water Waves. Physical Review Letters 46, 817-822. (look at the figures and compare to the result of Oblig II)
Publisert 20. aug. 2014 11:46 - Sist endret 1. mars 2023 12:59