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Courses in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (discontinued)

Showing 1–250 of 945 courses
Course Credits
AST2110 – The Universe (10 credits) 10
AST2120 – The Stars (10 credits) 10
AST3130 – Gas dynamics (10 credits) 10
AST3210 – Radiation I (10 credits) 10
AST4130 – Gas dynamics (10 credits) 10
AST4220 – Cosmology I (10 credits) 10
AST5120 – Observational Astronomy (10 credits) 10
AST5130 – Space Plasma (10 credits) 10
AST5210 – Stellar Atmospheres I (10 credits) 10
AST5330 – Satsvis og sekvensiell estimering (10 credits) 10
AST5340 – Numerical Simulation (10 credits) 10
AST9130 – Gas dynamics (10 credits) 10
AST9210 – Radiation I (10 credits) 10
AST9220 – Cosmology I (10 credits) 10
AST9340 – Numerical Simulation (10 credits) 10
AST9410 – Stellar Atmospheres (10 credits) 10
AST9430 – Space Plasma (10 credits) 10
BIO3081 – Animal Behaviour 1 (10 credits) 10
BIO3400 – Aquatic Ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO3500 – General Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4000 – Community Ecology (5 credits) 5
BIO4005 – Primate Behaviour and Ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4010 – Life history theory (5 credits) 5
BIO4020 – Methods of gradient analysis (5 credits) 5
BIO4021 – Methods of Gradient Analysis (10 credits) 10
BIO4030 – Climate and population processes (10 credits) 10
BIO4050 – Population ecology in sessile organisms (10 credits) 10
BIO4070 – Plant Physiology (10 credits) 10
BIO4091 – Animal Behaviour 2 (10 credits) 10
BIO4110 – Ecological GIS modelling (5 credits) 5
BIO4115 – Distribution modelling (10 credits) 10
BIO4140 – Life-history Strategies and Climate Effects (10 credits) 10
BIO4150 – Conservation and management biology (10 credits) 10
BIO4170 – Recent literature in microbial evolutionary genomics (5 credits) 5
BIO4200 – Molecular Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIO4210 – Phylogeny and Classification (10 credits) 10
BIO4220 – Natural Selection and Adaptive Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIO4230 – Biogeography and Biodiversity (10 credits) 10
BIO4240 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Animal Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIO4250 – Evolution and systematics of organismal groups: The Plant Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIO4260 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Fungal Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIO4270 – Evolution and Language (10 credits) 10
BIO4280 – Evolutionary Developmental Biology and Macroevolution (10 credits) 10
BIO4300 – Marine Biology (10 credits) 10
BIO4301 – Marine bentic ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4310 – Limnology I (10 credits) 10
BIO4320 – Systematics and ecology of marine algae (10 credits) 10
BIO4325 – Identification of Marine Microalgae and Macroalgae (5 credits) 5
BIO4330 – Effects of Pollution on the Aquatic Environment (10 credits) 10
BIO4331 – Human Impact on the Marine Environment (10 credits) 10
BIO4350 – Marine Mammals (10 credits) 10
BIO4370 – Fish ecology (5 credits) 5
BIO4371 – Fish ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4381 – Harmful Algae and Algal Culturing (10 credits) 10
BIO4390 – Limnology II (10 credits) 10
BIO4400 – Pelagic Ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4490 – Marine biodiversity (10 credits) 10
BIO4500 – General Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4520 – Methods and Mechanisms in Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4530 – Regulatory Toxicology (5 credits) 5
BIO4540 – Human Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4550 – Ecotoxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4600 – Science Writing (5 credits) 5
BIO5000 – Introductory Course for Masterstudents (5 credits) 5
BIO9000 – Community Ecology (5 credits) 5
BIO9020 – Methods of gradient analysis (5 credits) 5
BIO9021 – Methods of Gradient Analysis (10 credits) 10
BIO9050 – Population ecology in sessile organisms (10 credits) 10
BIO9091 – Animal Behaviour 2 (10 credits) 10
BIO9110 – Ecological GIS modelling (5 credits) 5
BIO9115 – Distribution modelling (10 credits) 10
BIO9140 – Life-history strategies and climate effects (10 credits) 10
BIO9150 – Conservation and management biology (10 credits) 10
BIO9160 – Recent literature in microbial ecology and metagenomics (5 credits) 5
BIO9170 – Recent literature in microbial evolutionary genomics (5 credits) 5
BIO9200 – Molecular Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIO9210 – Phylogeny and Classification (10 credits) 10
BIO9220 – Natural Selection and Adaptive Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIO9230 – Biogeography and Biodiversity (10 credits) 10
BIO9260 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Fungal Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIO9270 – Evolution and Language (10 credits) 10
BIO9280 – Evolutionary Developmental Biology and Macroevolution (10 credits) 10
BIO9290 – Latent variable modeling (10 credits) 10
BIO9320 – Systematics and Ecology of Marine Algae (10 credits) 10
BIO9331 – Human Impact on the Marine Environment (10 credits) 10
BIO9381 – Harmful Algae and Algal Culturing (10 credits) 10
BIO9530 – Regulatory Toxicology (5 credits) 5
BIO9540 – Human toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO9550 – Ecotoxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO9600 – Science Writing (5 credits) 5
BIO9905CEES1 – Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (5 credits) 5
BIO9905FBI1 – Introduction to Bioinformatics for Biosystematics (5 credits) 5
BIO9905FBI2 – Phylogenomics (5 credits) 5
BIO9905FBI2 – Phylogenomics (5 credits) 5
BIO9910 – Adaptive Dynamics (10 credits) 10
BIOS2900 – Molecular Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS3611 – Plant Science (10 credits) 10
BIOS4611 – Plant Science (10 credits) 10
BIOS5113 – Conservation and management biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS5500 – Science Writing (5 credits) 5
BIOS9113 – Conservation and Management Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS9510 – Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy (5 credits) 5
BIOS9520 – Advanced biomolecular NMR (5 credits) 5
DIG3800 – Global media (10 credits) 10
DIG3810 – Digital media 2 (10 credits) 10
DIG4800 – Global media (10 credits) 10
DIG4810 – Digital media 2 (10 credits) 10
ENT4100 – Ideation and Feasibility Studies (10 credits) 10
ENT4110 – Entrepreneurship theory from an American point of view (10 credits) 10
ENT4120 – Entrepreneurship theory from a Chinese point of view (10 credits) 10
ENT4130 – Entrepreneurship theory from a Singaporean point of view (10 credits) 10
ENT4140 – Entrepreneurship theory from a South African point of view (10 credits) 10
ENT4194 – Consultancy Project (4 credits) 4
ENT4210 – Practical Innovation Management (10 credits) 10
ENT4220 – Norwegian Practical Start-up Experience (10 credits) 10
ENT4310 – Business economics and marketing (10 credits) 10
ENT4320 – Marketing Management (5 credits) 5
ENT9600 – Entrepreneurial Teams and New Business Creation (5 credits) 5
FRM-KJM5050 – Bioanalytical Chemistry I: Advanced Separation Methods and Bioanalysis (10 credits) 10
FRM-KJM9050 – Bioanalytical Chemistry I: Advanced Separation Methods and Bioanalysis (10 credits) 10
FRM-MBV4860 – Molecular and Pharmaceutical Microbiology (10 credits) 10
FRM-MBV5060 – Molecular and pharmaceutical microbiology (10 credits) 10
FRM-MBV9060 – Molecular and Pharmaceutical Microbiology (10 credits) 10
FRM5110 – Polysaccharides of Pharmaceutical Interest; Physical and Chemical Properties, as well as Biological Activity (10 credits) 10
FRM5240 – Introduction to Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Radiopharmaceuticals and Medical Imaging (5 credits) 5
FRM5510 – Statistical experimental design for industrial pharmaceutical development (10 credits) 10
FRM5630 – Use of medicines in a Global Society (5 credits) 5
FRM5640 – Pharmacoepidemiology Study Design and Manuscript Writing (10 credits) 10
FRM9110 – Polysaccharides of Pharmaceutical Interest; Physical and Chemical Properties, as Well as Biological Activity (10 credits) 10
FRM9240 – Introduction to Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Radiopharmaceuticals and Medical Imaging (5 credits) 5
FRM9410 – Bioactive glycoconjugates, their structure and applications (10 credits) 10
FRM9510 – Statistical Experimental Design for Industrial Pharmaceutical Development (10 credits) 10
FRM9540 – Photoreactivity of Medicines (10 credits) 10
FRM9640 – Pharmacoepidemiology Study Design and Manuscript Writing (10 credits) 10
FRM9910 – NFIF - Introduction to pharmacoepidemiology (5 credits) 5
FYS-GEO4010 – Research project I (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4010 – Research project I (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4020 – Research project II (20 credits) 20
FYS-GEO4030 – Research project III (30 credits) 30
FYS-GEO4030 – Research project III (30 credits) 30
FYS-GEO4100 – Introductory project work in physics of geological processes (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4110 – Scientific Communication and Research Ethics (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4200 – Case study in physics of geological processes (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4300 – Methods in physics of geological processes (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4500 – Finite Volume Methods for Geophysical Fluid Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4500 – Finite Volume Methods for Geophysical Fluid Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO4510 – Introduction to mechanical geomodeling (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO9100 – Introductory project work in physics of geological processes (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO9200 – Case study in physics of geological processes (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO9300 – Methods in physics of geological processes (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO9500 – Finite Volume Methods for Geophysical Fluid Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS-GEO9510 – Introduction to mechanical geomodeling (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM4480 – Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM4570 – Radiation protection and radiation safety (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM4710 – Radiation and radiation dosimetry (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM4740 – MR-theory and medical diagnostics (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM5920 – Nuclear measurement techniques and instruments (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM9480 – Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM9570 – Radiation protection and radiation safety (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM9710 – Radiation and radiation dosimetry (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM9740 – MR-theory and medical diagnostics (10 credits) 10
FYS-KJM9920 – Nuclear measurement techniques and instruments (10 credits) 10
FYS-MED4750 – Medical Imaging (5 credits) 5
FYS-MED9750 – Medical Imaging (5 credits) 5
FYS-MEK4500 – Finite Volume Methods for Geophysical Fluid Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS-MEK9500 – Finite Volume Methods for Geophysical Fluid Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS3130 – Statistical mechanics (10 credits) 10
FYS3180 – Experimental Methods in Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS3410 – Condensed matter physics (10 credits) 10
FYS3510 – Subatomic physics with applications in astrophysics (10 credits) 10
FYS3520 – Nuclear physics, structure and spectroscopy (10 credits) 10
FYS3610 – Space physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4010 – Research project I (10 credits) 10
FYS4020 – Research project II (20 credits) 20
FYS4030 – Research project III (30 credits) 30
FYS4120 – Classical mechanics and electrodynamics (10 credits) 10
FYS4140 – Mathematical methods in physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4180 – Experimental Methods in Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4190 – Dynamical Systems and Chaos (10 credits) 10
FYS4230 – Modelling and design of micro- and nanosystems (10 credits) 10
FYS4410 – Computational physics II (10 credits) 10
FYS4510 – Nuclear measurement techniques and instrumentation (10 credits) 10
FYS4515 – Nuclear Physics I (10 credits) 10
FYS4520 – Subatomic many-body theory I (10 credits) 10
FYS4540 – Energy physics- solar energy (10 credits) 10
FYS4550 – Experimental high energy physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4560 – Elementary particle physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4610 – Magnetospheric processes (10 credits) 10
FYS4630 – Transport of radiation in the atmosphere (10 credits) 10
FYS4750 – Medical Imaging (5 credits) 5
FYS4761 – CT- and X-ray Diagnostic Techniques (5 credits) 5
FYS4780 – Analysis of dynamical image information for medical diagnostics (10 credits) 10
FYS5130 – Cosmological physics (10 credits) 10
FYS5310 – Electron Microscopy, Electron Diffraction and Spectroscopy II (10 credits) 10
FYS5440 – Neutron scattering methods for materials research (3 credits) 3
FYS5710 – EPR spectroscopy: applications in biophysics and dosimetry (10 credits) 10
FYS9130 – Cosmological physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9160 – The general theory of relativity (10 credits) 10
FYS9180 – Condensed Matter Field Theory (10 credits) 10
FYS9230 – Modelling and Design of Micro- and Nanosystems (10 credits) 10
FYS9260 – Microsystems and Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Technologies (10 credits) 10
FYS9410 – Computational physics II (10 credits) 10
FYS9440 – Neutron scattering methods for materials research (3 credits) 3
FYS9510 – Nuclear measurement techniques and instrumentation (10 credits) 10
FYS9515 – Nuclear Physics I (10 credits) 10
FYS9520 – Subatomic many-body theory I (10 credits) 10
FYS9540 – Energy Physics - Solar Energy (10 credits) 10
FYS9550 – Experimental high energy physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9560 – Elementary particle physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9610 – Magnetospheric processes (10 credits) 10
FYS9630 – Transport of radiation in the atmosphere (10 credits) 10
FYS9710 – EPR spectroscopy: applications in biophysics and dosimetry (10 credits) 10
FYS9750 – Medical Imaging (5 credits) 5
FYS9761 – CT- and X-ray Diagnostic Techniques (5 credits) 5
GEF1600 – Physical oceanography (10 credits) 10
GEF2200 – Atmospheric physics (10 credits) 10
GEF2220 – Weather systems (10 credits) 10
GEF2600 – Dynamical oceanography 1 (10 credits) 10
GEF2610 – Physical Oceanography (10 credits) 10
GEF3450 – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEF4200 – Dynamic meteorology I (10 credits) 10
GEF4210 – Dynamic meteorology II (10 credits) 10
GEF4220 – Predictability of Weather and Climate (10 credits) 10
GEF4230 – Numerical models of the atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEF4310 – Cloud physics (10 credits) 10
GEF4320 – Radiation and remote sensing (10 credits) 10
GEF4330 – Dispersion of air pollutions (10 credits) 10
GEF4400 – The Earth System (10 credits) 10
GEF4450 – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEF4500 – Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEF4510 – Atmosphere and Oceans on Computers: Fundamentals (10 credits) 10
GEF4520 – Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Ocean (5 credits) 5
GEF4530 – The General Circulation of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEF4600 – Methods in physical oceanography (10 credits) 10
GEF4610 – Dynamic oceanography: Waves and wave-induced mass transport in the ocean (10 credits) 10
GEF4620 – Numerical solutions of oceanographic problems (10 credits) 10
GEF4640 – Marine Optics (10 credits) 10
GEF4650 – Estuaries (10 credits) 10
GEF4660 – The General Circulation of the Oceans (10 credits) 10
GEF9220 – Predictability of Weather and Climate (10 credits) 10
GEF9310 – Cloud Physics (10 credits) 10
GEF9320 – Radiation and Remote Sensing (10 credits) 10
GEF9330 – Dispersion of air pollutions (10 credits) 10
GEF9400 – The Earth System (10 credits) 10
GEF9500 – Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEF9510 – Atmosphere and Oceans on Computers: Fundamentals (10 credits) 10
GEF9520 – Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Ocean (5 credits) 5
GEF9530 – The General Circulation of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEF9610 – Dynamic oceanography: Waves and wave-induced mass transport in the ocean (10 credits) 10
GEF9660 – The General Circulation of the Oceans (10 credits) 10