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Courses in Informatics (discontinued)

Showing 1–250 of 317 courses
Course Credits
DIG3800 – Global media (10 credits) 10
DIG3810 – Digital media 2 (10 credits) 10
DIG4800 – Global media (10 credits) 10
DIG4810 – Digital media 2 (10 credits) 10
IN-STK5100 – Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making Under Uncertainty (10 credits) 10
IN-STK9100 – Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making under Uncertainty (10 credits) 10
IN4010 – Acoustic Imaging (10 credits) 10
IN5270 – Numerical methods for partial differential equations (10 credits) 10
IN5280 – Security by Design (10 credits) 10
IN5330 – Health Management Information Systems (10 credits) 10
IN5400 – Machine Learning for Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
IN5430 – IT and Management (10 credits) 10
IN5520 – Digital Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
IN9180 – Analog Microelectronics Design (10 credits) 10
IN9270 – Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (10 credits) 10
IN9280 – Security by Design (10 credits) 10
IN9330 – Health Management Information Systems (10 credits) 10
IN9400 – Machine Learning for Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
IN9495 – Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Systems (5 credits) 5
IN9520 – Digital Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF-BIO5120 – High Throughput Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis (5 credits) 5
INF-BIO5121 – High Throughput Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis (10 credits) 10
INF-BIO9120 – High Throughput Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis (5 credits) 5
INF-BIO9121 – High Throughput Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis (10 credits) 10
INF-GEO3310 – Imaging (10 credits) 10
INF-GEO4310 – Imaging (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT2351 – Numerical calculations (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT3350 – Numerical linear algebra (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT3360 – Partial differential equations (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT3370 – Linear optimization (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT4350 – Numerical linear algebra (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT4360 – Partial differential equations (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT4370 – Linear optimization (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT5340 – Spline methods (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT5350 – Numerical analysis (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT5360 – Mathematical optimization (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT5390 – Splines for Geometry and PDE's (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT9340 – Spline methods (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT9350 – Numerical Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT9360 – Mathematical Optimization (10 credits) 10
INF-MAT9390 – Splines for Geometry and PDE's (10 credits) 10
INF-STK5010 – Statistical Bioinformatics - Learning from big data in the life sciences (10 credits) 10
INF-STK9010 – Statistical Bioinformatics - Learning from big data in the life sciences (10 credits) 10
INF-VERK3820 – Fortran 77/95 programming (5 credits) 5
INF-VERK3830 – C++ and C programming (5 credits) 5
INF-VERK4820 – Fortran 77/95 programming (5 credits) 5
INF-VERK4830 – C++ and C programming (5 credits) 5
INF3110 – Programming Languages (10 credits) 10
INF3140 – Models of concurrency (10 credits) 10
INF3150 – Operating systems - I (10 credits) 10
INF3151 – Operating systems (20 credits) 20
INF3160 – Operating systems II (10 credits) 10
INF3180 – Advanced database systems
INF3200 – Algorithms and efficiency (10 credits) 10
INF3210 – Information design (10 credits) 10
INF3230 – Formal modeling and analysis of communicating systems (10 credits) 10
INF3232 – Logic for System Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF3240 – Informatics didactics (10 credits) 10
INF3250 – Design and Gender (10 credits) 10
INF3260 – Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (10 credits) 10
INF3270 – Information systems development in organizations (10 credits) 10
INF3280 – Development of IT-competence in Organisations (10 credits) 10
INF3300 – Digital image analysis (10 credits) 10
INF3320 – Computer graphics and geometric modelling (10 credits) 10
INF3410 – Analog microelectronics (10 credits) 10
INF3440 – Signal processing (10 credits) 10
INF3480 – Introduction to robotics (10 credits) 10
INF3490 – Biologically inspired computing (10 credits) 10
INF3510 – Information security (10 credits) 10
INF3580 – Semantic Technologies (10 credits) 10
INF4015NSA – Systems Automation and Scripting (10 credits) 10
INF4017NSA – Infrastructure Services and Operations (10 credits) 10
INF4018NSA – Enterprise Networking: Practices and Technologies (10 credits) 10
INF4019NSA – Service Management and Developer Operations (10 credits) 10
INF4110 – Programming languages (10 credits) 10
INF4140 – Models of concurrency (10 credits) 10
INF4150 – Operating systems - I (10 credits) 10
INF4151 – Operating systems (20 credits) 20
INF4160 – Operating systems II (10 credits) 10
INF4180 – Advanced database systems
INF4200 – Algorithms and efficiency (10 credits) 10
INF4210 – Information design (10 credits) 10
INF4230 – Formal modeling and analysis of communicating systems (10 credits) 10
INF4231 – Formal Modelling and Analysis of Communicating Systems (10 credits) 10
INF4232 – Logic for System Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF4240 – Informatics didactics (10 credits) 10
INF4250 – Design and Gender (10 credits) 10
INF4260 – Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (10 credits) 10
INF4270 – Information systems development in organizations (10 credits) 10
INF4280 – Development of IT competence in organisations (10 credits) 10
INF4290 – Software verification and validation (10 credits) 10
INF4300 – Digital image analysis (10 credits) 10
INF4331 – Problem solving with high level languages (10 credits) 10
INF4350 – Introductory Course in Bioinformatics (10 credits) 10
INF4360 – Topics in geometric modelling (10 credits) 10
INF4410 – Analog Microelectronics (10 credits) 10
INF4411 – Analog microelectronics (10 credits) 10
INF4420 – Microelectronics Design Project (10 credits) 10
INF4440 – Signal processing (10 credits) 10
INF4480 – Digital Signal Processing II (10 credits) 10
INF4490 – Biologically Inspired Computing (10 credits) 10
INF4500 – Rapid prototyping of robotic systems (10 credits) 10
INF4580 – Semantic technologies (10 credits) 10
INF4820 – Algorithms for artificial intelligence and natural language processing (10 credits) 10
INF4930 – Graduate research in informatics (30 credits) 30
INF5004NSA – Intrusion detection and firewalls (10 credits) 10
INF5010 – Social aspects of technology and science (10 credits) 10
INF5011 – Technology Society Ethics (10 credits) 10
INF5012NSA – Research Papers (5 credits) 5
INF5012NSA – Research Papers (5 credits) 5
INF5013NSA – Cyberethics (5 credits) 5
INF5020 – Philosophy of Information (10 credits) 10
INF5030 – Managing mission critical data (10 credits) 10
INF5040 – Open distributed processing (10 credits) 10
INF5060 – Multimedia Networking using Network Processor Cards (5 credits) 5
INF5062 – Programming asymmetric multi-core processors (10 credits) 10
INF5063 – Programming heterogeneous multi-core architectures (10 credits) 10
INF5070 – Media servers and distribution systems (10 credits) 10
INF5071 – Performance in distributed systems (10 credits) 10
INF5072 – Performance in Distributed Systems (10 credits) 10
INF5080 – Multimedia - coding and transmission (5 credits) 5
INF5090 – The Future Internet Protocols (10 credits) 10
INF5100 – Advanced database systems (10 credits) 10
INF5100NSA – Research Methods and Data Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF5120 – Model Based System Development (10 credits) 10
INF5130 – Selected topics of rewriting logic (10 credits) 10
INF5140 – Specification and verification of parallel systems (10 credits) 10
INF5150 – Unassailable IT-systems (10 credits) 10
INF5170 – Master seminar in logic (5 credits) 5
INF5180 – Software Product and Process Improvement in Systems Development (10 credits) 10
INF5181 – Process improvement and agile methods in systems development (10 credits) 10
INF5190 – Knowledge Management: Concepts and Practices (10 credits) 10
INF5200 – Computer supported co-operative work (10 credits) 10
INF5205 – Advanced Topics in Design of Information Systems (10 credits) 10
INF5207 – Advanced Specialization in Design of Information Systems (5 credits) 5
INF5210 – Information infrastructure (10 credits) 10
INF5220 – Qualitative research methods (10 credits) 10
INF5230 – Geographical Information systems: Analysis, modelling and applications (10 credits) 10
INF5240 – Globalization, Marginalization and IT (5 credits) 5
INF5250 – Information systems development in organizations (10 credits) 10
INF5261 – Development of mobile information systems and services (10 credits) 10
INF5340 – Algorithms in bioinformatics (10 credits) 10
INF5350 – Master seminar in intelligent data (5 credits) 5
INF5360 – Seminar on dependable and adaptive distributed systems (10 credits) 10
INF5370 – Distributed technologies for social networks (10 credits) 10
INF5380 – High Performance Computing in Bioinformatics (5 credits) 5
INF5410 – Signal processing in space and time (10 credits) 10
INF5430 – Advanced digital systems design (10 credits) 10
INF5440 – CMOS Image sensors (5 credits) 5
INF5442 – Image Sensor Circuits and Systems (10 credits) 10
INF5450 – Evolutionary Computing and Evolvable Hardware (5 credits) 5
INF5460 – Electrical noise – counter measures and calculation (10 credits) 10
INF5470 – Neuromorphic electronics (10 credits) 10
INF5500 – Empirical methods and evidence-based decisions in software development (10 credits) 10
INF5510 – Distributed objects (10 credits) 10
INF5520 – Estimation and planning of software projects (10 credits) 10
INF5530 – Foundations of Software Testing (5 credits) 5
INF5560 – Computational Physiology (10 credits) 10
INF5570 – Action Research Workshop (5 credits) 5
INF5571 – Action Research Workshop (10 credits) 10
INF5580 – Master seminar in information systems (5 credits) 5
INF5590 – Advancements in interaction design (10 credits) 10
INF5591 – Advancements in interaction design (10 credits) 10
INF5610 – Mathematical modeling in medicine (10 credits) 10
INF5620 – Numerical methods for partial differential equations (10 credits) 10
INF5631 – Numerical methods for partial differential equations; project assignment (5 credits) 5
INF5650 – Numerical methods for partial differential equations 2 (10 credits) 10
INF5680 – Introduction to Finite Element Methods (5 credits) 5
INF5681 – Introduction to finite element methods (10 credits) 10
INF5690 – Advanced Finite Element Methods (5 credits) 5
INF5691 – Advanced finite element methods (10 credits) 10
INF5722 – Experimental Design of IT (10 credits) 10
INF5730 – Implementing Health Information Systems - An Anthropological Perspective (5 credits) 5
INF5730 – Implementing Health Information Systems - An Anthropological Perspective (5 credits) 5
INF5740 – Interpretive research in information systems (5 credits) 5
INF5750 – Open Source Development (10 credits) 10
INF5760 – Health Information Systems (6 credits) 6
INF5761 – Health Management Information Systems (10 credits) 10
INF5780 – Open source, open collaboration and innovation (10 credits) 10
INF5790 – Technology-enhanced learning: principles and tools (10 credits) 10
INF5800 – Topics in Logic (10 credits) 10
INF5820 – Language technological applications (10 credits) 10
INF5830 – Natural language processing (10 credits) 10
INF5840 – Computability theory (10 credits) 10
INF5850 – ICT for Development: Building a Better World? (10 credits) 10
INF5860 – Machine Learning for Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF5870 – Energy Informatics (10 credits) 10
INF5880 – Master seminar in language technology (5 credits) 5
INF5890 – IT and Management (10 credits) 10
INF5906 – Selected topics in static analysis (10 credits) 10
INF5907OSI – Open Source – development and innovation (10 credits) 10
INF5908MI – Mobile Internet (10 credits) 10
INF5909SSW – Socio-Semantic Web and Knowledge Federation (10 credits) 10
INF5910CPS – Cyber physical systems (10 credits) 10
INF9010 – Social Aspects of Technology and Science (10 credits) 10
INF9011 – Science technology society ethics (10 credits) 10
INF9040 – Open distributed processing (10 credits) 10
INF9063 – Programming heterogeneous multi-core architectures (10 credits) 10
INF9071 – Performance in distributed systems (10 credits) 10
INF9072 – Performance in Distributed Systems (10 credits) 10
INF9090 – The Future Internet Protocols (10 credits) 10
INF9119 – Doug Engelbart?s Unfinished Revolution - The Program for the Future (10 credits) 10
INF9120 – Model Based System Development (10 credits) 10
INF9130 – Selected topics of rewriting logic (10 credits) 10
INF9140 – Specification and verification of parallel systems (10 credits) 10
INF9145 – Models of concurrency (10 credits) 10
INF9150 – Unassailable IT-systems (10 credits) 10
INF9170 – Master seminar in logic (5 credits) 5
INF9181 – Process improvement and agile methods in systems development (10 credits) 10
INF9200 – Selected Theoretical Topics in Information Systems Development (10 credits) 10
INF9205 – Advanced Topics in Design of Information Systems (10 credits) 10
INF9207 – Advanced specialization in design of information systems (5 credits) 5
INF9210 – Information infrastructure (10 credits) 10
INF9220 – Qualitative research methods (10 credits) 10
INF9260 – Human-computer interaction (HCI) (10 credits) 10
INF9290 – Software verification and validation (10 credits) 10
INF9305 – Digital Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF9350 – PhD seminar in intelligent data (5 credits) 5
INF9360 – Seminar on dependable and adaptive distributed systems (10 credits) 10
INF9365 – Topics in geometric modelling (10 credits) 10
INF9370 – Distributed technologies for social networks (10 credits) 10
INF9380 – High Performance Computing in Bioinformatics (5 credits) 5
INF9410 – Space-time signal processing (10 credits) 10
INF9425 – Projects in Analogue/Mixed-Signal CMOS Design (10 credits) 10
INF9430 – Advanced digital systems design (10 credits) 10
INF9440 – CMOS Image sensors (5 credits) 5
INF9442 – Image Sensor Circuits and Systems (10 credits) 10
INF9460 – Electronic noise - counteractions and calculations (10 credits) 10
INF9470 – Neuromorphic electronics (10 credits) 10
INF9500 – Empirical methods and evidence-based decisions in software development (10 credits) 10
INF9530 – Foundations of Software Testing (5 credits) 5
INF9590 – Advancements in interaction design (10 credits) 10
INF9591 – Advancements in interaction design (10 credits) 10
INF9610 – Mathematical modelling in medicine (10 credits) 10
INF9631 – Numerical methods for partial differential equations; project assignment (5 credits) 5
INF9650 – Numerical methods for partial differentiental equations 2 (10 credits) 10
INF9681 – Introduction to finite element methods (10 credits) 10
INF9691 – Advanced finite element methods (10 credits) 10
INF9750 – Open Source Development (10 credits) 10
INF9761 – Health management information systems (10 credits) 10
INF9780 – Open source, open collaboration and innovation (10 credits) 10
INF9790 – Technology-enhanced learning: principles and tools (10 credits) 10
INF9800 – Topics in Logic (10 credits) 10
INF9820 – Language technological applications (10 credits) 10
INF9840 – Computability theory (10 credits) 10
INF9850 – ICT for Development: Building a Better World? (10 credits) 10
INF9860 – Machine Learning for Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
INF9870 – Energy Informatics (10 credits) 10
INF9880 – Ph D Seminar in Language Technology (5 credits) 5
INF9906 – Selected topics in static analysis (10 credits) 10